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my 125G reef ready


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instead of ice cap fans why don't you just get 2 8" bathroom exhaust fans from home depot and install them in the hood? there are plenty of ways to hide them and i think they would be cheaper and more powerful. just put one on either end of the hood, one blowing in and the other blowing out.

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i might look at getting smaller ones than 8" maybe if they have smaller i will do that, or i will just get 2 computer fans and control them on timers to go on and off every 15-30 minutes

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As a suggestion for the coating inside the light hood, look for a product called Marine Spar Varathane. Once properly dried, it doesn't leech chemicals, and it is designed to protect ocean docs. so it works quite well.


all else sounds awesome.


looking forward to the pics.


spy :ninja:

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well the good news is that im going to get my 55 G tank tonight...$55 brand new, its a 1 dollar a gallon sale at pet supplies plus so im going to go pick one up for the sump then i need to find somewhere i can get some glass cut

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ok well now i need to get some glass cut for the sump, i got some reflective spray paint and some silicone to seal up the hood when im done


ordered the lighting and a few other things for the hood today along with a brine shrimp hatchery to get some finicky eaters to eat, pictures will be up tomorrow, and it should be running next weekend

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well pics of the tank will be up tomorrow guys! sorry for not posting any but i have just been extremely busy to even look at the tank let alone take pics, hopefully i can finish the plumbing tomorrow and get the tank start up at least with a canister filter and the protein skimmer

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well guys the lighting is shipping out monday but for now im going to have my 36" nova retro fit over the tank, my sohal will deffinately appreciate the room, and i can tell you that my dispar anthias will love the rock work, im going to have up pics tonight so you can all see it halfway there

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here are the pics of the tank up and running to clear out, it took my 3 hours to aquascape i will get more clear pictures tomorrow when it clears up and pics with the livestock in also


as for the aquascaping you cant really tell but on both sides there is a cave area for swim through for the sohal tang, and overhangs for the anthias


the stocking list is how it is and probably going to stay since i already have the sohal in the tank, he isnt aggressive yet so i might be able to add the hawkfish and 4 more anthias later on


as of right now my stocking list will be the sohal, the flame angel, 4 dispar anthias, a misbar clownfish pair, and a spotted hawkfish


here are the pics













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well unexpected surprise at my door step today...my lights!!! 14,000K 175W x 3 retrofit from hamilton technology, looks awesome and the color is bad ass, pics tonight!

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How goes it Matt? Saw over on RC that you're having some microbubble trouble. Did you find a soution? I wanted to ask how you are liking the hamilton 14ks? Does it have the right amount of blue in it for you? I am torn between the 12ks or 14ks for the 175watt bell pendant. link By the way, thanks for telling me about bluezooaquatics.com, they do have great stuff. Please, more pics of the new setup.

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the 14,000K's are BLUE!!!!, im going to be going with a new sump, i have no room for baffles or skimmer in it, plus my skimmer is acting really weird from all of the micro bubbles, i have the gate valve all the way open and its just POURING water into the waste collector not even a chance to collector and skimmate, the retrofit though is EXTREMELY nice i love it, i dunno what im going to do for the sump, im going to look at a getting a filter sock for the microbubble problem and im also going to look at a new skimmer, especially a HOB one like a coralife CSS125

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the 14,000K's are BLUE!!!!, im going to be going with a new sump, i have no room for baffles or skimmer in it, plus my skimmer is acting really weird from all of the micro bubbles, i have the gate valve all the way open and its just POURING water into the waste collector not even a chance to collector and skimmate, the retrofit though is EXTREMELY nice i love it, i dunno what im going to do for the sump, im going to look at a getting a filter sock for the microbubble problem and im also going to look at a new skimmer, especially a HOB one like a coralife CSS125



Matty are you able to place a sponge inside the sump? That worked for my 50 gal tank. I placed it after the baffles and before the pump..

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im going to try that before anything to see if it can work, the thing is i dont have any baffles, but im going to try some sponge somehow, or at least a filter sock

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first, nice aquascaping...


pleeeeease tell me you zip-tied the large arch on the right of the tank?

It looks like a huge rock, If it comes down, it very well could crack the

bottom of your tank, which I would absolutely hate to see happen. If

you havn't, take note of where they connect, and then drill 2 holes, one

in the support rock, and one in the arch rock, and run a thick black zip-

tie through the holes, and tighten as best as possible. Then if you want

that to be somewhat permanent, add a reef safe epoxy around the zip

ties to prevent slipping.


This will secure the structure, and if it still happens to topple over, it will

actually slow down the decent, because the support rocks will roll with

it, allowing for a possible pinch and so stopping the fall any further.


That's just an idea on my side, btw its only because it doesn't look like

the arch rock, is very well imbeded into the support rocks.


besides that,


Looks awesome.


What are you going to put on the ends ?



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both rocks are drilled and held in place by about 1.5" of rigid airline tubing in each rock, to make sure they were stable i put pressure on them out of water and they were fine, so underwater it should be good


and thank you for the compliments on it, you are the first person to compliment on it, it took me over 3 hours to get it right!!


not too many people are looking in here so im going to make a thread in the member aquarium section

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Obsessed Reefer

Looking good.



not too many people are looking in here so im going to make a thread in the member aquarium section


Just ask a mod to move it for you, rather than making a brand new thread.

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yeah i got it for 600 out the door, my petco had a sale that if you get a stand you get the tank half off, so it would of cost me about 1000 but i got it for 592 after tax

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