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I don't blame Africa, the Philippines, Tonga or any other nation as much as I blame my own. Until we provide the exampple we can't expect anyone in the world to listen to us speak about being environmentally aware.




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Have you read this thread or only this page?


I read it all. My comment was directed towards that persons post, but truthfully I feel that a good 80% or more of Americans don't care about the environment. Don't get me wrong, I know a huge majority say they care- but they only say it to feel good about themselves.


Every person that I've met that claims to care about the environment fails a simple test I give them. First I ask how many mpg their car gets, then I ask how many compact flourescent bulbs they have in their home, then I ask when is the last time they rode the bus and what did it cost, then I ask how many times they've used a bike for commuting and then I ask how their views on immigration are.


Surprisingly their actions never back their claims.I end up with a list of excuses, such as it's too hard, I prefer things a certain way or that won't make enough of a difference.

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How about this (and I'll even tell you the truth):


- 30-33mpg (1996 Geo Prizm), I'd drive a 35-40mpg Corolla if you'd buy it for me :D

- 3, but if you count straight tubes add 5 more (read: everywhere they'll fit)

- Three days ago

- Too many to count, I commuted via bike before my wife & I moved in July. Now I would be taking my life in my hands for a 7 mi bike ride

- Illegal immigration isn't a good thing, but it is against the law


Why not add:


- Do you recycle plastic & metal?

- Do you recycle paper & cardboard?

- Do you plan to be cremated or buried?


Now, what was the point of your 2nd to last post?

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The Propagator

You know what I think one of the biggest problems is we face with our Ozone right now?

Every one knows it but know one stops it for the sake of science and keeping up with the Russians.



What do you think thats doing to our envoirment and out weather?






Got you all beat !!

I have 12 CPF, and I walk 30 feet to work every day at my computer LOL!!


I recylce my beer cans so I can buy more beer, and I recylcle my candy bar wrapers, and I buy nothing but Thiawanese electronics and clothing so I can make sure the sweat shops dont go out of business.

Then I drive to the track twice a month and unleash my 600+ hp 1/4 mile'er wich gets 1/4 mile or less to the gallon on test and tune night (with my baby buckled in the front seat while I smoke a cigarette) while blasting down the strip throwing flames and fuel laden exhaust fumes all over the damn place baby !!! YEAH !!!

But......the drive belts are made from recycled rubber and so are the tires, gaskets, and seals, does that count?



This argument is as futile as it gets.

I could name off a million and one things in your home right now Randy that your using including your TV that is more of an envoirment hazard than not using Power compact bulbs or taking the bus.


The fact is that you have to be rich to be envoirmental friendly in this country. Period.

Thats the way its designed.

Thats why Economy car prices have sky rocketed ( and why I drive a 94 Ford Taurus).

Green cars are not even a twinkle in the average comsumers eye right now becase the prices are so high.

You want to truely do somthing about the atmosphere by creating a green car then lower the dam prices so we can afford them.

Other wise nothing will change.

The rich will still get ritcher and the poor will get poorer, and the only thing green cars will continue to be are little POS feal good cars for celebrities to show off and make them selves feal good, and for the Yuppies and CEO's who can afford them so they can sho woff to thier underlings.


The tech. has been available for green cars since the 50's man.

Hell two more layers of rubebr on your car of the right compound and you would never have to buy tires again and thats been around since the 40's.


The issue isnt the consumer its the manufacturer and the goverment going money hungry.


Haven you noticed that EVERY THING, AND I MEAN EVERY THING even related to a healthy enviorment cost twice as much to make, and buy?


For gods sake man you actualy pay MORE for a freaking tomato that cost less to grow because they call it " Organic ".


Plow a garden plant some seeds and spray some water on it.

BAM! organic garden.





I feal a little better now.

right or wrong I still feal better....






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