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Innovative Marine Aquariums

1.5g - T.Durden Style


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Figured it was about time to make a thread of my own.


Petco sells these 1.5g [betta splendens] glass tanks w/ sexy curved front edges. oh so sexy.




comes w/ a cute little hob filter and incandescent light. in the trash they go.




and yeah, I've seen a few folks on here w/ this tank, but this baby is mine and comes w/ a few mods. ;)


So let's get this party started...

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The tank is roughly 9x6x7 and the brand is "ocean-free" (how ironic).

I'm using an AGA 2.5g as fuge. filled about 1.5g worth. So total system volume = 3g. yay!




Made 2 holes in this bad boy - both for 1/2" bulkheads.


1 for overflow (external durso style) and the other for return - split via loc-line once inside tank.





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Still not adjusted to pvc cementing yet, so half-assed it and did the drain-side pvc and return side flex tubing.


Here's the 2.5g AGA doing it's sump thang...



Notice blue tinted acrylic box. It's taller than water line in sump so it acts as instant baffles. And a cool place to put filter media.




Return pump is a MJ606. Considering it's set at the 2nd lowest setting and guestimacating headloss, it's pumping out around 60gph.




So around 40x flow for this 1.5g pico. Definitely has a good amount of flow up in there.

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Yeah, not much to look at yet. I just finished adding the fiji pink LS about an hour ago. Still gotta add LR and then I'm all set.


Actually, I def gotta upgrade the lights since the best I could find locally was this cheesy purple 7w PC fixture (at least better than the stock lights it came w/).


So there u have it. I'll keep this thread updated as much as possible to record my progress (and fumbles). Thanks for stoppin by.

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That's a cute little setup but seems a little overdone for 3 gallons worth of water. Plus with the sump and all, you'll probably get a lot of evap. I dunno, maybe its just me.

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overdone? took me less than 2 days (w/ lots of smoke breaks) to throw it together. I've spent a lot longer on my larger tanks so this wasn't a killer investment in comparison.


but the sump does have a purpose (not just an evap. machine). but i'm too lazy to list them all out. and thanks for stoppin by.

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lol, hey don't get me wrong, I really do think it's a cool setup! In fact... I admit I actually thought about a setup like that a few times. I would love to hear what you have planned for the sump.


I'm sorry about the negativity in my last post...it's 2 in the morning for me and I need to go to bed...



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don't sweat it. adversity makes us stronger.


(just wait til I throw in a tang. lots of "adversity" will be dished out then) ;)

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Looking good!


Now if you are going to do it, do it right, how about a 70w MH above it? That would look hot, or is that get hot?


I love it, tank and sump combined is smaller than some picos I have seen.

Thumbs up

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Yeah, looks great. The fuge should add a good amount of stability to the system, especially if you're gonna throw some macro in there.

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please please tell me where you got the return bulkhead and the locline for your tank? i want the same exact thing. thanks!

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The tank looks great! :) That hermit should add some life to the tank as long as he doesn't start knocking things over... Darn hermits... Never can trust 'em. :P I, personally, think that tank needs a dendro. That would add some serious color (and ass-kicking-ability) to the system. :P



Got those pics up quite quickly.

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I can't believe that the return pump doesn't max out at that distance from the display tank. I couldn't even get my Maxijet 400 to push more than 2.5 feet of 1/2" hose! Adding the lord makes it very classy.

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Thanks, y'all. Kamel Reds still around, but you have to look in the right places.


Got some major updates/additions to the pico, so I'll try to get off my lazy ass and take some pics soon.

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man i went to petco web site, and couldnt find them:( :(...ive seen a few people with that tank, and i want on BAD. I cant find it anywhere

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Just checked website. Looks like they only sell acrylic online. Probably don't want to deal w/ cracked glass tanks.


Try calling your local petco store.

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Sorry, folks; not mh.


But I happened to find this sleek lookin, silver 11" PC fixture. Jalli brand. Came w/ a 13w daylight bulb, but replaced w/ 50-50 day/actinic blue 13w lamp.










Also picked up some new additions, but gotta get my grub on now. Will post them later.

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T.Durden that's pretty cool. Where did you get those lights? I have a little 5g tank I want to put it together just for fun. What do you recomned? The tank has a weird size 16", so I cant find anything that fits perfect.

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