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Green spotted puffer


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Ok ,I gotta know.Am I the only person with a green spotted puffer in their tank?Please speak up if you have one or know of someone that does.

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i used to keep puffers, but never Green Spotted Puffs...


are they currently being housed in your reef tank?

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Yea, I have one.I had him in my 10 gal when it was freshwater then when it was brackish and he made it through the saltwater cycle.I would say all together I have had him for 2 years.

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you have a green spotted puffer in a 10g reef? I have 2 in a 55g FOWLR that are 6". doesnt he nip the corals, they are not a reef safe fish. how big is he?

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how big is he? how long has he been in SW and how long have you had him? that is amazing that you can keep him in a nano reef?

all i can say is, if he's small he will grow fast, and they have a massive bioload compared to their size, so prepare for some disasters.

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you are the only person i've ever heard of even attempting to try and keep them in a reef, kudos to you for being daring.

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Thanks man.Since they are mainly fresh and brack I had to get him when and set teh tank up as fresh then let him slowly adjust to the salt.

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I had 2 green spotted puffers in brackish water for about a year before I messed up and killed them. They are cool fish. I was waiting until they got to the 3-4 inch stage before I converted them to full saltwater. I had toyed with they idea of a reef tank, but they will eat all snails, shrimp, and crabs so that would be a problem. I did have limited luck with hermits, but I had to replace them every couple of months or so.


IMO they don't grow too fast, around 1"/year, but like scarlett knight said, they are messy eaters so nitrates will be a problem in such a small tank.


I would get a bigger tank ASAP (at least a 29, 55 better)considering how long they can live and how they water conditions will affect their lifespan.


Those guys can live 15-20 years, so be good to them.

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Thanks for your input ,but my nitrates havnt been above 10 in over a year.He is content with krill.It works out fine cause he chews the krill into peices that are small enough for the damsel and clown to eat and if they dont eat it then I have a amazing cleanup crew to take of it.He has never ate a hermit however he has killed two snails in 2 years so.He has grown maybe a quarter inch since I have had him.


Oh as a FYI ,the first time he saw a anemone he tried to bite it and was stung.Since then he hasnt touched any coral or anemones.

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Keep in mind that puffers need hard crunchy foods so that their teeth don't overgrow. I guess he has been ok for 2 years so that must not be a problem.

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hmm, odd. i looked at every pic and read every post of that link... and didn't see the puffer anywhere. is there more than one page?

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No its there you gotta look hard though ,its tough to see.Look at the right side of the tank in the front of tank shots.

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Originally posted by VicSkimmr

hmm, odd. i looked at every pic and read every post of that link... and didn't see the puffer anywhere.  is there more than one page?


In the first picture, look below and between the clown and damsel, I think that is the puffer in question. He blends in pretty good.

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I tell you what, he lets me know hes there when I go sticking my hands in the tank.He has scared the hell out of me before by nibbling on a finger to two.Doesnt hurt just scares me.He is one smart fish.He knows when I grab the can of krill he is about to get get fed and he will swim back and forth grinding his teeth or beak.

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ah ok, i see him now. he does blend in pretty well. i would be wary though, they do get pretty damn aggressive when they get bigger.

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I have had one for 3 years in a brackish tank. Love that fish. I truly belive they are more intelligent than an average fish. You look into those eyes and know it is thinking.


Mine is a bout 3 inches and readily eats almost anything I give it.


His fav is when I save leftover lobster from a meal and freeze it then give him pieces. I swear he would eat that until he explodes.

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The one I have is very smart.They have very good vision too.He can tell when I am grabbing my can of krill.Ever been temped to throw him in your nano?

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I have had Green Spotted Puffers and they were neat, but I had to get rid of them when I converted to saltwater. Green Spotted Puffers are notorious fin nippers :o. You don't have problems with him nipping the fins off of the other fish?

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Originally posted by reefer21

I have had Green Spotted Puffers and they were neat, but I had to get rid of them when I converted to saltwater. Green Spotted Puffers are notorious fin nippers :o. You don't have problems with him nipping the fins off of the other fish?


No, he is more scared of the clown and damsel then anything.My theory is that in freshwater that occurs more because most freshwater fish are not that agressive.Oooo that does make me wonder how he would handle a cichlid tank..What type of environment did you keep yours in?

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