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Gentlemen Prefer Cubes


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Since I got my pico I've been severely neglecting this thread. I'm lost in the "members forum" cuz I'm spending all my time in the Pico forum :lol:. I feel so behind on so many of your tank threads too!!!! I took some photos today. Not much has changed except for more growth. No new additions. Thinking about going to my LFS this week to get an orange firefish. They are having a holiday sale on fish and they typically have these in stock. My giant orange sponge continues to look bad. I'm hoping at some point it will stop and start to make a turn around. I'm about ready to bannish it to the refugium in the sump. Cyano isn't getting worse, and seems to be improving a touch. I received my Cyano Clean last Friday. I may dose that this week. Bubble algae is taking off again <_<. I think that's all the news that's new. Oh, I lied. I do have a new addition. I picked up a $5 piece of red monticap to add to my monticap collection. I'm very curious to see how this grows so close to the green monti.112513no1_zps181f513a.jpg112513no2_zps4a5a88b3.jpg My rhodactis mix is growing well.112513no3_zpsce59f326.jpg112513no4_zps1964d659.jpg112513no5_zps62c4acb0.jpgBlondies are sprouting babies. I have 2 or 3 new babies forming.112513no6_zps11ab67d6.jpgClammies are growing nicely. Giselle looks like she's getting more blue spots to me.112513no7_zps4e94cc6d.jpgCelestia is getting so big (I'm a proud mommy).112513no8_zps228adfb0.jpgMy favorites...Chuckie's Brides. These are sprouting new heads as well!112513no9_zpsd2ee5e86.jpgAnd finally, my boy Bogart.112513no10_zpsceeda354.jpg


Damn, you got a pico now too? Jealous!



Great pics also!

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Weird that your sponge is acting up. My yellow ball sponge from my last KPA order is on its way out the door. It did this weird thing where is started inflating with air (not sure where it got air from since its been underwater the whole time) and then it would float. Eventually it burst open and now its just kind of been wasting away. My encrusted red ball sponge seems totally fine though and my red tree sponge and small yellow ball sponge are both still doing great. I've decided sponges are super touchy! At least they're not expensive.


The shape of your tank makes top down shots absolutely awesome! I just love the colors and patterns on both of your clams! They seem to be doing really well for you. Your monti caps are amazing. The red one mixed in there should look great :)

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Hey G..........love those shots! Getting a package tomorrow, right?

Thanks, D!!!! Yes...package tomorrow. :happydance:


Damn, you got a pico now too? Jealous!



Great pics also!

I did start up a pico. I actually had it as a planted freshwater. It was sitting here empty for a couple of months. I used it as a QT for a sick fish and decided to keep it going as a little reef. I love that little tank.

Weird that your sponge is acting up. My yellow ball sponge from my last KPA order is on its way out the door. It did this weird thing where is started inflating with air (not sure where it got air from since its been underwater the whole time) and then it would float. Eventually it burst open and now its just kind of been wasting away. My encrusted red ball sponge seems totally fine though and my red tree sponge and small yellow ball sponge are both still doing great. I've decided sponges are super touchy! At least they're not expensive.


The shape of your tank makes top down shots absolutely awesome! I just love the colors and patterns on both of your clams! They seem to be doing really well for you. Your monti caps are amazing. The red one mixed in there should look great :)

Yeah...I don't know what is wrong with the sponge. It is turning white though in areas. I've had my other orange one do this and eventually the white peels away and it starts acting normal again. I'm hoping that's what this one will do. Unfortunately I may lose the zoas on it though. They may float off with the dead white tissue. Just have to wait and see.


That's really bizarre what your yellow sponge did!


My clams seem to be doing great (knock on wood). :)

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Blondies are sprouting babies. I have 2 or 3 new babies forming.





Alert! Alert weee wooo wee wooo, frag disk/plug spotted here. :)


Anyways, everything else in the tank looks spectacular! I see you pulling a totm sooner than we all think. :)

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Alert! Alert weee wooo wee wooo, frag disk/plug spotted here. :)


Anyways, everything else in the tank looks spectacular! I see you pulling a totm sooner than we all think. :)

Thanks! LOL...you and plugs! I try to get rid of them when I can. That plug is actually more noticeable from above then straight on looking at the tank. :D


Did you see Zia ordered a scoly? :happydance:

Looks amazing :) I love all the mushrooms.

Thanks, A. :happy:
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Watching the Great Barrier Reef documentary, some of the really pretty shots reminded me of your tank. Mine, not so much :P

Wow...thanks!!!!! :happy: Where did you see this documentary? I wanna watch too. :D



Today my skimmer sounded a little "off". I decided it was time to give it a deep cleaning. What an icky job that was. This was my first time cleaning the whole thing since starting it up. Whatever it was that caused the pump to sound funny didn't smell very good. Not like death, but just a weird smell I've never smelled before :huh:. Least it's clean and working perfectly again.


I committed myself to making two pies for Thanksgiving. Pumpkin and pecan. Gonna make those tomorrow as well as cranberry sauce. Looking forward to Thursday!!!! I never liked Thanksgiving dinner as a kid. Now it's my favorite. :D

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Wow...thanks!!!!! :happy: Where did you see this documentary? I wanna watch too. :D



Today my skimmer sounded a little "off". I decided it was time to give it a deep cleaning. What an icky job that was. This was my first time cleaning the whole thing since starting it up. Whatever it was that caused the pump to sound funny didn't smell very good. Not like death, but just a weird smell I've never smelled before :huh:. Least it's clean and working perfectly again.


I committed myself to making two pies for Thanksgiving. Pumpkin and pecan. Gonna make those tomorrow as well as cranberry sauce. Looking forward to Thursday!!!! I never liked Thanksgiving dinner as a kid. Now it's my favorite. :D


The show was on Animal Planet, I was watching while I was home for lunch. Wish I had got to see the whole thing, was a couple hours long. Really cool documentary.


Stinky, noisy skimmer sounds sketchy, glad you got it back to working order!


Also, pecan > all other pies :D

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I leaned in so close to my screen I almost fell in yo tank LMAOoooo

LOL...I do that all the time. I don't fall in but my hair does. :D


The show was on Animal Planet, I was watching while I was home for lunch. Wish I had got to see the whole thing, was a couple hours long. Really cool documentary.


Stinky, noisy skimmer sounds sketchy, glad you got it back to working order!


Also, pecan > all other pies :D

I'll have to look and see if it's on again!


This is my first time making a pecan pie. It just sounded so good to me and I get tired of having JUST pumpkin.


My tank would look really good with your brain and Marias :P

You zombie!!!! :D
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I leaned in so close to my screen I almost fell in yo tank LMAOoooo


I never get tired of looking @ this masterpiece! The colors, scape, textures, all of it is just top notch! I know your having a :wub: affair with your cool lil pico, but seriously this tank is where its at, thanks for the pic update.

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Since I got my pico I've been severely neglecting this thread. I'm lost in the "members forum" cuz I'm spending all my time in the Pico forum :lol:. I feel so behind on so many of your tank threads too!!!!


I took some photos today. Not much has changed except for more growth. No new additions. Thinking about going to my LFS this week to get an orange firefish. They are having a holiday sale on fish and they typically have these in stock.


My giant orange sponge continues to look bad. I'm hoping at some point it will stop and start to make a turn around. I'm about ready to bannish it to the refugium in the sump.


Cyano isn't getting worse, and seems to be improving a touch. I received my Cyano Clean last Friday. I may dose that this week. Bubble algae is taking off again <_<. I think that's all the news that's new.


Oh, I lied. I do have a new addition. I picked up a $5 piece of red monticap to add to my monticap collection. I'm very curious to see how this grows so close to the green monti.





My rhodactis mix is growing well.







Blondies are sprouting babies. I have 2 or 3 new babies forming.



Clammies are growing nicely. Giselle looks like she's getting more blue spots to me.



Celestia is getting so big (I'm a proud mommy).



My favorites...Chuckie's Brides. These are sprouting new heads as well!



And finally, my boy Bogart.



oh my....

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Why and the #### has this tank not been TOTM yet? 55 followers come on people go nominate Gena.


I think I already know who's the next totm winner. There was a huge hint from CM, heheehe so I'm assuming people are waiting to nominate Gena for the latter month. :)

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