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Top Shelf Aquatics

My Full Tank Shot Happy 2 Months =D


darasy's thoughts

and personal reference


started from scratch on july 29 cuz i was bored one day

got all the LR from ebay

i think i got jewed cuz they sent me two huge boulders 25# each =D

built a refugium cuz everyone said it was cool i find it kinda useless

kinda is ugly and the glue did not stay

so one outta the three baffles like tipped over oh well it works haha

it houses my hermit crabs (for some reason i dont trust em) what are they supposed to eat? and some chaeto...

tried to put skimmer in there didnt really work...

seaclone 150 nuff said.. and the damn thing is like 8 feet tall..

had ugly algae, only cuz i waited a month and a half to buy snails...

1 week later turbos kick ass and man are nassarius snails are worthless... and astrea snails makes cool patterns =D

been trying to buy little frags from people

got a bunch of cool stuff from some guy named jerry that i meet one ebay

hahaha shipping sucks buying local rules and some of the LFS here have gay employees.

he gots cool prop tank in his basement and get good deals oh yea did i mention no shipping?

doo doo doo i want a clam damnit.

oh just got lights today. the pc lights were pretttttyyy shiatty i want a refund even tho they were free...

lampdr hooked it up got the Retro fit 150w HQI MH w/ 14k Phoenix Bulb

so i spent the whole morning tearing up my craptastic hood.

was pissed couldnt find a drill bit so i drilled a nail through the reflector haha.

messed up the acrylic splash gaurd oh well no one can see it =D

lights look great. water is great. seems like i got eveything now and it only took me 2 month yay.

now i must start collecting more corals


coral count:



green candy cane

red mushroom

orange florida rics

green favia brain

Green Capnella



maybe ill update in another month when i get my prop business up haha

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I think I just lost about 10 IQ points by reading this post. HOLY CRAP!!!

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Hey, dont mind the comments, but i mean come on, this is a forum board! Not A.I.M!! Anway, I like the rockscape, except the piece in the middle, it doesn't quite look like it belongs.

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