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Innovative Marine Aquariums

SPS crab-friend or foe?


Found this guy on a new milli I just brought home. From the looks of him (hairy and brown) I would guess it's best to get rid of him... what do you think?

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looks like an emerald crab to me. They are beneficial for controlling bubble algae. I have two.

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I had one of those before. It ate all my inverts/clean-up crew and a few of my zoos before I caught that little ****er...

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If you wanted to be an angel, you could put it in a quarantine tank with a few polyps, frags, and small inverts and see if its truly bad... warning about that.. mine ended up a full time resident of my quarantine tank! hee hee

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SPS crabs are friends, but there are 2 kinds. Hairy and not hairy. The non-hairy kind will travel amongs the entire colony cleaning it, but the hairy ones tend to stay in one place. This irritates the SPS in that one spot and ends to start dying. I would say the one you have is definately hairy so i'd place it into a refugium. Of you can flush it.

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thanks for the many replies... i concluded hairy=probably bad and removed him last night... this morning i can see areas on the inside of the branches of the milli that he was on that are bare of polyps. I think i chose...wisely. :) BTW, definitely not an emerald.

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It looks like a teddy bear crab to me. They are not nice although I think they look cool.

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