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Innovative Marine Aquariums

trying to get as banner. Any thoughts?

Pinrod Urkish

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lol pretty cool, different. most ppl have it as a long strip, which is, IMO more "bannerish" ya know?

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Pinrod Urkish


Well lets just say, this one is. Since mine won't stop killing hermit crabs long enough to take a picture. Looks the same as this fellow except mine has a whiter face and less hornage.

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Pinrod Urkish


How can you have a fish and not know what kind it is? Well it's hungry and kills any cleanup crew you can put in the tank. I feed it Marine Cuisine three times a day. What else?

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The fish in the banner is a Dragon wrasse aka rockmover wrasse...Novaculichthys taeniourus

Hard to keep, like big tanks, carnivorous, not reef safe, and they get ugly as they get older (lose the horns...), 12in max


Oh, nice banner btw () : )

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