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1st Fish into Nanocube DX


After 8 weeks of cycling I added two yellow tailed blue damsels

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Tank Shots

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Nice rockwork, but you got some Nazi's in your tank dude. I hate damsels, they are some mean ba$tards.

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love the rock work and the damsels you got some nice looking yellow tails there. Damsels are great fish to have if you understand there behavioral patterns.

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No, ive only had them 3 weeks and they seem quite happy with each other. Theres lots of hiding places for them in the rocks. I added some snails, crabs and shrimp at the weekend and so far so good.

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Hi Jordon, I just added a couple more recent photos. I got a clean up crew, shrimp and a coral. So far the Damsels are behaving themseves! Charlie

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Lots of rock. Looks great Hopefully I can come up with an impressive sea scape with my new 24g nano.

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Sweet Rock, but watch out for the little devils(if you know what i mean):wink:

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