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My nano


nano reef two and half year old.

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Wait for what? . ... this photo is last week and everythings still fine. you people are strange

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Isnt the point of this site is so that we can help eachother.......lets all just say uh oh and leave the tank holder in the dark. Thanks for the help.....

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my girlfriend begged and begged to get a hippo tang in our 29gallon but i knew i couldn't do it. how big is your tank?

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Ok so I see ... I think what all the fuss is about...I have a blue tang in a 14 gal nano ....Yes I do. At two of my local lfs they have had a blue tang for about a year in a half in the exact same tank size. I questioned that well my tank is way too small for a tang. He told he that it would be a great fish considering the other fish I had and was recommended. He has 30 years of experience so I trust what he said.. I have had the blue tang for a while and I love it. If it starts to outgrow the size I take it in and trade it. If theres another problem you see let me know. :)

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I would say it is time to find a new LFS, one that looks out for the interest of the animal and not his wallet.


This is a common practice and what you just said has been typed here hundreds of times. I would suggest taking it back, rest of the tank looks good. Same goes with that star fish it has a good chance at starving.

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All units all units, we have a tang is sector bravo...


2 starfish too...


hope all works out but a bit small for such inhabitants

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The tang was a trade for some xenia I took to him that was to large for my tank. I would like a bigger tank for all my reef inhabitants But as for now this is it. And rest assured its very well cared for much happier than lets say a mandarin dragonet in a tank like this which is a huge problem .Maybe you should look into that instead. Its a much larger problem as they are a threatened species and people have no idea most of the time what they need when the purchase such a beautiful fish. And they slowly...very slowly starve to death. Maybe i should work for the dragonet polizia... At least my tangs well fed and gets along with its inhabitants. Your sort of like the cop that busts a guy for an eighth of weed when right down the street someones being murdered. lol :)

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oh wow, didn't see the second starfish. i think one MIGHT be okay but u need lots n lots of liverock. i have 1 star in my 29gallon but i have about 40lbs of rock for it to graze on.

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dragonet polizia? i think a dragonnet would be much better off than that tang!!!! i have a mandarin now and its eating frozen foods. look at all the posts on this forum about people adding a hippo tang to anything under 75 gallons

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the small starfish never gets any bigger than that size and I feed both and they eat very well. Like I said before its a very well cared for tank. as for your manderin your lucky its eating frozen...

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if your hippo tang works out in a 14g i swear im gonna get one for my 29g lol.

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My husband is a glass blower and he made me a glass rod thats flattened and I place this under them and they eat the food that goes down the tube.

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what kind of food? i've never seen those starfishes eat before. if i try to feed them they just ignore it. from what i read about them they rely on organisms n stuff on the live rock so u need LOTS of it or they slowly starve in a year

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i wonder how they told u that hippo tang would be good, whenever i tried to get one from the fish stores they flatly said NO because they would be so stressed out and would do harm to the tank as they will be very upset in that small space...

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Yeah as long as you dont have too many fish. Its about 5 gal per fish. You might upset stevieT though. And yes the tangs doing great. wish I could post a photo of it sleeping at night. It sleeps in a little cave and lays down. cutest thing ever.

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