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rookie and his nano


yes i am a noob and this is my 10 gallon nano so far. how about some feed back. how does it look so far. the picture is off my cell phone, i will post a better pick as soon as i can. :)

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maroon clown and a blue tang is an obviously new tank to boot. Take all the fish back and get some reading in.



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well thanks for all the support. the tang is a baby, i know it will grow but it is fine for now. yes the tank is new but water is constantly tested and stable. the anemony is not bleached, it is a bright yellow and is doing just fine. no signs of stress or shrivelling up. as i said, it is not the best picture on a phone so the yellow does not show. yes it is a condy. and i have been reading, researching, and asking question to many experienced aquarists. i admit that i am obviously no expert, but i know the basics and its pretty easy to tell when a fish is not doing well or is not happy. i have done research on condy's and i also know that they will basically make themselves comfortable and once they find a spot they prefer, they will stay there. the anemone moved around the first few hours but found a spot and stayed. it has kept its color and is eating well. seems to be doing great. as well as the fish are also doing great and only seem to be making themselves more comfortable. now i dont mean to come off as a pissed off jerk, but there seems to be no support. just negativity and rude comments from most people on this forum. with the exception of a few friendly and sopportive users. i am not here to fight with anyone, i am just intersted in the same hobby as all of you. i am just requesting a bit more friendliness. Please...

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Sorry if it came off as negative. I think that the consensus is that this tank is being rushed and overstocked. In my opionion (opinion only) four fish of the variety you have in a ten gallon is overstocked. Factor into that the one of your fish will definately ultimately need a very large tank (the tang). And if you continue to do your research you will likely find that anemones need very established systems to be happy in the long run. hopefully this is the constructive feedback you were looking for. good luck.

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Why are you defending your dumb stocking decisions with over used comments? You asked for feedback and from responsible hobbyists you received it. Your basic information is WAY off and no your fish are not happy.


Anem under PC lighting in a new tank. Who told you that was a good idea?

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well thankyou highonfumes, :) that is what i was looking for. as i said i am new to this and i kinda gotta learn as i go. i know the tang will need to go to a bigger tank. the girlfriend fell in love with it and i knew, for at least a little while i could keep it but it will need a bigger tank. and i have been watching the anemone and been trying to decide weather to return it or not. it just seems to be doing so well. i really appreciate your input and i respect you for it. thankyou.

i appreciate all the input i can get however the rude comments from some are not necessary. i know now my stocking descisions may not be the best but i am learning as i go. i have had nothing but success with many different freshwater tanks for 3 years and saltwater is different and much more challenging. the water peramiters, stocking, the fish, everything is different.

anyway, i am beginning to feel as though i am not welcome here and if that is the case, please say the word and i will leave so i dont waste anyone elses time.

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Stay around, there is much to be learned here. Patience coupled with research is your best tool in reef keeping.


One more thing. If you get good advice please apply it. Asking for advice, receiving it and not using it will just frustrate the people trying to help you and your tank will be no better off for it.

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Nice, but don't, don't rush the tank. It's not like a freshwater where you can just dump a lot of stuff in...


BTW, I got laughed at back in the day when I put up a 20 Gallon Long Saltwater, now, look at this entire site.... :)


Keep an eye on that Anemone, and get ready to put that Tang into a much larger tank. No more livestock, for now.


(get a real camera....) LOL... ;)

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well thank you both very much. i will keep an eye on the anemone for sure. and i know, no more live stock. got it. i knew i had filled the tank but i thought i was doing well. live and learn right. now i know the tang will need to be transfered to a larger tank eventually (soon) but arent clowns good choices for nano systems. i see it alot and i thought they were a good choice, and i just love the goofy little fishie. lol. now are they a good choice for nano systems or does it depend on the breed? if you dont mind me asking. he is a maroon clown and i asked if he would be a good choice for my tank and i was told yes. and the chromis are fine in there too right? i was also told they were good starter fish, nice and hardy, but i must say i have grown attached to the little schoolers. :)

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oh and i have a good camera, just gotta find the data cable again... oops.

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Let me guess, your LFS told you that all of those fish would be fine in a 10 gallon. The same LFS that told you to start your other fresh tank with a damsel in it?

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The Maroon clown can reach up to 5 inches... far too big for a 10 gallon. Chromis can reach 3 1/2 inches overtime and it looks like there are 3 in there. A total of 5 fish is really pushing the bioload in your 10-gallon. If your LFS told you 3 chromis and a Maroon Clown would live happily in your 10-gallon, I would advise you to find another LFS. FYI, try not to purchase livestock on a “whim” or because a girlfriend/wife thinks it’s cute. It will only lead to problems. It’s recommended that an anemone be placed in an established (6 month old tank). They also have high lighting needs. Good luck

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IMO be responsible take that tang back, and get some frags, the nem may be ok, what kind of light do you have.?

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I agree, the tang should go back. A smaller clown species would probably be a good idea also. I'm not planning on putting more than four fish in my 29 gal, if that helps with a frame of reference for bio-load.


Also, paint the back glass.

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I'll stick up for you a little. I've loved and lost but I tried.


Be diligent. Keep that baby clean, don't add anything else for awhile, and learn from your mistakes if there are any losses. gkarris is right. Get that bigger tank going, but don't buy a new camera (borrow one or something:) Save your money for the big tank. Your tank is purdy and will be awesome someday. Your rock set up looks cool. If you lose your anemone, keep in mind that Clown fish will bond to about anything. Mine currently makes love to a tiny red mushroom. No bigger then a quarter. Prior to that, it cuddled up to my little frag of brain coral, but I moved it. If you really like anemones, try a Rock (Flower)Anemone. Much hardier. And so cool. ;) I'll be watching. Don't be afraid to discuss your disasters, I won't say "I told you so." And don't give up.

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well thankyou all again for you support and advice. also thanks Kimberly63

for the rockwork comment. i kinda dig it. lol. :)

and i also liked the tang as well so its not the girlfriends falt. i made the descision to buy it. i will take it back soon.

i have a couple small frags in there for a little while now. right now i only have 1 t8 flourescent bulb 15watts. now i know it is not great light but i have had my couple zoas and mushrooms for a while now and they have done great. my zoas are already beginning to multiply. i took that into account before i bought the anemone and the lfs said that if the zoas and mushroom were doing so great then i could try the condy. he said i would know if it was not getting enough light cause it would keep moving till it found a spot where it lliked the lighting. it moved around for a few hours and found a spot where it has been for the last 5 days. he is still acting very healthy. his color is great and he is eating all his food and everything. i am constantly keeping an eye and watching for signes of stress. the second he shows signs of not enough light or signs of stress, he will go back. i am currently pricing upgraded lighting but the frags have been in there for a while and they along with the anemone are doing very well.

and yes, that does give me a frame of reference. thankyou GiantBen

now i know they say to go by how many watts per gallon, so i look at the 15watts and figure in the, the tank is not very deep so the light does not travel far, and that with the rock, and sand and all that, their is only about 6 or 7 gallons in the tank. i know the light is low but not as low as it may seem...

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T8 15 Watt! Wow dude that anem is toast. PCs are T6, T8 is even worse if that is what you actually have. Just take it all back now and save the animals the trouble of dying. Tang, anem, chromis and clown all need to go. Come home with a smaller clown and call it a day.


If your LFS said that zoas and anems have the same light requirements it is time to find a new LFS. Because they either are very stupid or just want your money. Zoas are low light, most anems are extremely high light.


Corals don't die fast like other animals. Since you are a n00b you really have no idea what a stressed coral looks like. It will slowly melt away in this setup.


There is no rule of watts per gallon. I have a 150W MH light with 4 T5s that are 156W all together. This is on a 34 gallon tank. So 306 total watts but one light is MH and the others T5, so they put off different par of light waves.


I would take some time sand start reading around here, see what others are doing. Return your livestock and after the research either upgrade the tank then purchase, or stock to what your tank can currently handle. Which are very low light corals and 1-2 small fish.

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I would be wary of this LFS. They seem to be giving you less than good advice. My practice has been: see it LFS, ask about it's requirements, go home and research the hell out of its requirements. Usually there is a discrepancy between the research and the LFS. Only if my set up can support the livestock will I make the purchase.

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well thank you all for your advice. well i have some things to ponder now. and thanks laurajm, i understand what you were sayin and i wont give up. the anemone is probably the first to go back. i am sorry but i am going to keep the tang a bit longer while it is so small. and i will probably return 1 or 2 chromis. i love my clown too much. what can i say, i have grown attached. i will keep you all updated on my progress. i hope there are no hard feelings with the tang for now and i am sorry if i have offended any one in any way. if you guys have more tips, keep them coming. and i will be checking your posts every chance i get. thank you all again. :)

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