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Cultivated Reef



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Tank Shots

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haha he's almost fish eatin size... my roommate had one so big it would pick off damsels when it was hungry. It also could go out of the tank and chill in the living room for hours and hours until we got back to put him back in the water!

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hahah wow.....they grow so fast its unbelievable. Mine never made it out of the tank yet...I do have some peppermint shrimps hanging around...they might be the first to go if he gets hungry enough.

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That's awesome! He looks uber huge, like a godzilla star if you ask me. Haha. Very personable tank!!

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if you think that was big...you should see him now.....hes like 11 inches in diameter. I really need to take him out...He is just getting to big for the a 20 gallon.

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