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The Clown is ready for his close-up!


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Your pico looks great! But a bit of friendly advise.....a pico tank is too small for a clownfish (or most any fish) much less two fish. I'd be afraid of them jumping out especially with an open top tank. Maybe you should consider seeing if your LFS will let you return them for store credit.

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+1...i like your pico setup too, but the lack of space for the 2 clownfish was the first thing that came to mind...

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I understand everyones concern for the fish but they are doing very well and clowns really require little space to be content. As far as jumping out, I have that covered. I made a custom acrylic lid that goes over it when I am not in the office. The fish have been in there since December and have not jumped out yet. Thanks for looking out though.

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Even clownfish have larger territories than the size of this pico reef...

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Jeff you did a great job on the tank.

Everyone else cut him some slack. He is in no way a noob to reef/salty tanks. The tank is by far bigger than the pics are portraying. The blessed little tank is plumbed to a sump. He has thought this out to the max. The tank is covered at night to keep evap to a minimum, and also to keep the notion of desk surfing just a notion. The little clowns are as happy as a clown should be. Heck I have seen clown spend their entire life within two inches of a powerhead.

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"I understand everyones concern for the fish but they are doing very well and clowns really require little space to be content."


Find proof from their natural habitat that tells you this. You are ignorant and naive...

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It's not their natural habitat that matters so much. The only reason they live in such a small area is to hide from predators, when there are no predators and no anemones they like their swimming space. Even in the wild they have a much bigger swimming area than a pico.

Also, a small tank is much less stable that a bigger one, water stability is just as big a concern as space.

Don't get me wrong, that is a beautiful tank! Just a little small for a pair of clowns.

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Do you have details on how you did your overflow. I have the same tank and would like to run the same setup you have.

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Do_ob, +1

every pic people get mad it him for having 2 clowns in a pico. And he has made it very clear that there have been no tank crashes, the clowns are doing GREAT!

an then somebody will say "those clowns look silly"

btw I like the set up

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Obsessed Reefer


It doesn't matter if this tank is plumbed into a 55G tank. The clowns still have about a gallon and a half of swimming space. I sorta feel sorry for sticking two clowns in my 12G Nano Cube, but they have a hell of a lot more room in there than in here

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apparently some people are more interested in doing what they want than doing what's best for their animals.

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^ cruelty free? Putting any fish in a tank is cruel. You can't replicate the ocean. I don't care if you have a 500 gallon tank and the only fish you have in it is a damsel.A tank is simply a cage but if we enjoy it why not right? Thats the typical nature of humans to get over on all living things. If you carred so much about your fish you would buy a ticket to the carribean and set them free. If you don't plan on doing so then stop harassing others and enjoy human domination over all that is living =)

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+1 to shiveley. We should be here to cater to the needs of our fish to make their stay as accomodating as their natural enviroment. Tank looks good but animal cruelty far out weighs the fact that these animals have no where to go.

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i say if they jump out,screw it..you can always go buy more


i think ur tank looks awsome

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Ya thats the dumbest comment I have heard above. Not sure you should own any animal. First off the coral reefs are slowly dissapating already and secondly you dont buy fish to give them a high possibility of dying than just buy more? Wow somebody call the SPCA haha

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warhole, i see your point, but you would be happier to live for the rest of your life in bill gates house than an a small apartment, right.

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