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Coral Vue Hydros

My Baby Girl


Waited 4 years to get her back while I was in the service. 4 years with only a few visits and she's still tame around me, glad I got her right after she hatched. :)

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Thank you. :) My fiance was worried about living with the snake... I told her not to make me choose between BabyGirl and her, because she probably wouldn't like the outcome.

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I told her not to make me choose between BabyGirl and her, because she probably wouldn't like the outcome.


That's real smart, she should feel so proud to have you.

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she really does look like a cobra from the front. Very cool snake!

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Awwwww... I'm sorry blooper74. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm sure that you're well qualified to judge how I handle my personal life... given how well you know me and all. Here's one for you, if your partner told you to get rid of something that means a lot to you, would you do it? I bet you probably would... you spineless little piece of crap. Grow a back bone, then talk to me. Actually, never mind... grow a backbone if you want, but either way just shut the f**k up.


For everyone else, sorry about that. She's a Brazilian smooth snake. And she is a water snake by nature, but I'm not sure how she'd handle the saltwater. Either way, she'd eat whatever fish there would be in the tank... so... no, not reef safe. ;p

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Awwwww... I'm sorry blooper74. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm sure that you're well qualified to judge how I handle my personal life... given how well you know me and all. Here's one for you, if your partner told you to get rid of something that means a lot to you, would you do it? I bet you probably would... you spineless little piece of crap. Grow a back bone, then talk to me. Actually, never mind... grow a backbone if you want, but either way just shut the f**k up.


Looks like you need the spine, can't see what is more important in life. But you go ahead and choose a snake over what could be the love of your life. Your right, i don't know you and couldn't care less to learn anything about a waste of a person who chooses an animal over their future wife. I have a back bone and have given up many things in my life and wouldn't change a thing. So to use your own "mature" words, you just shut the f**k up. And I stand by what I said in my first post.

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It's not even about the snake, it's about something in life that's important to me. If she was going to ask me to get rid of something, that she knows means to much to me, then I would think that's a pretty good sign that she's not the one for me. Be it a snake, a friend, my family, whatever... if she says it's her or something else in my life that I really care about... Then I'd drop her in a heartbeat. She is going to have to take me as I am, she's my high school sweet heart and we've been together for some 12 years now. She knows me, knows what I care about, and knows what I bring to the table. If there's ANY part of those that she doesn't like, then she's not the one... seems obvious to me. But to each their own. You enjoy giving up your life to make someone else's easier. BTW, the compromise was BabyGirl would stay in the spare room's closet with a very secure lid. We both got what we wanted.


Loooook... you put "mature" in those little quotation marks... that's adorable. Go trolling in the comments page for someone else's pictures and then comment on their maturity. It's fun to be a big boy behind the keyboard isn't it?


Done wasting time on these comments, you can go ahead and comment again if you want, I won't even reply to it. That'll make ya' feel all warm inside won't it?

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Whoe man, Blooper was comin' undone. Disrespectful if you ask me. This is your gallery.....just like walking into your house in my opinion. Your personal life is yours. None of "my" business..........oh yeah, Cool Snake!

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