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Cultivated Reef

Monti and Birdsnest


Just uploaded these so I'd have a record on the growth of the monti. Found it as a broken frag in the back of one of the tanks at the LFS. The tips were white then and both ends had the tips broken off. That was @ 3 weeks or so ago and considering I had never really tried SPS before, I think it's doing pretty good. Colored up really nicely and has grown over the super glue at the base, and grown over my screw up with the super glue. When I was putting it in, my arm jerked a little (tourette's sucks!) and I kinda smeared glue along the back of it... peeled it off as best I could and it's growing over that now so I feel better.


The green bird's nest was from a piece at the LFS, the mother colony was 85 bucks and I joked around about wishing it would fall so I could get a piece of it. After about a week or so I went back to get a new powerhead for another tank, and tada! Apparently one of the guys that works there had knocked it off a few days earlier and this was the only piece that broke off. Found it in a crack at the base of the rock... really lucky to have seen it. It's about 1/2" and I was a little worried about it at first, but the polyps have been coming out real nice. I've only had it for about 5 days or so I think... maybe a week... so you can still see the super glue because it's not really grown enough yet to cover that up.


These are @ 6" deep in the tank and under 2 55w PCs. I had been dosing some phytoplankton (DT's) but I don't feel comfortable doing that anymore since I believe my DT's has gone bad (surprise). I've ordered some new (live) stuff in and we'll see how that goes.


Anywho... that's my story.

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