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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

10 gallon at 3 months


I am fully stocked!

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that is the most heavily stocked nano i have seen for 3 months. i can't wait to see everything filled in.

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I love how you can see the growth on your corals J! The frogspawn seems to have taken off very well, as well as the zoas.


Where's the Banggai cardinals, were they hiding in the rockwork?

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Pie, yes, the banggais are in the back side of the rock. You can see the tail of one between the frogspawn and the power head on the left. That's where he hangs out. Yeah, heavy bioload, but, I hardly feed the tank or the fishes. I learned this from Pie! And I don't have a skimmer! Just big water changes every week. Except for a cleaner shrimp, I haven't lost any live stock in the past 3 months. I have 2 fire scallops there, but the one with the white tentacle now resides in the refugium in the back.

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Izzue: the refugium is about 3 gallon - it's the 16" x 4" HOB unit I got off ebay.

Wildernesstank: Well, I really try not to think about it.

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