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Coral Vue Hydros

Nano at 9 Months


JBK 12 Gallon Nanocube w/ Nanocustoms 4.24 mod

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JBJ 12 Gallon Nanocube w/ Nanocustoms 4.24 mod.

2 - 50/50 (10k/71K blue)

2 - Actinic

R2 Moonlights

MJ 900 and MJ 606 pumps

Aquacontroller Jr.


Zoathids - 25 +

Palys - 5 +

Ricordea - 12 (hard too see, most are over on each side)


Trimma Goby - 3


Peppermint Shrimp - 1

Emerald Crab - 1

Scarlet Hermit - 1

Snails - Two of Each: Asterea, Cearth, Margarita, Nassarius, Nerite.

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