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150 W HQI metal halide above prop tanks


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System Setups

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Thank you guys. Each tank is about 100 gallons - for now, only 4 tanks, but eventually I will have 12. The 2 sumps have 150 gallon capacity each. They are filled with live rock and chaeto - kind of a giant semi-refugium, with two "becket" protein skimmers.


It doesn't get very warm in the room, even in the summer time. I like it there - it is my indoor Heaven, since I have two large skylights, as well.

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8 metal halides. at $275 each (that is including a replacement bulb) that equals: 8 x 275 = $2200. WOWZAS! But I guess you will earn it back with all of the coral frags you have the possibility of selling.


Wow, I just realized that once you have 12 tanks, you will have $13200 invested in lighting and will be pulling 7200 watts of electricity just for lights!

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