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Picassos Changing Color.

Helfrichs Chick

Thought it would be cool to see them change as they get older. They are now getting black on their bellies. I will continue to update the pics as they get darker. Cant wait to see what they look like when totally changed.

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they look so different in such a short amount of time. very very nice.

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Helfrichs Chick


Yea me too! I am gonna post a new pic. They are even darker now. Wish they would get it on already I want some babies!

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Helfrichs Chick


Not sure. They will probally retain some orange, from all the adult pics I have seen. I hope they do not loose it all as I like the orange :)

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if they breed, can I get a discount on one??? lol. I wish they were like, $100 instead of $160... I like the orange too. I like them just like they are in you avatar, hope they stay that way/

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