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Pod Your Reef

30 gal extra high


scallop, xenia, longhorn cow fish, golden head sleeper goby, urchin, snails and hermits

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Awesome tank and cowfish! I love how you have so many types of macro in there.

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No he hasnt ever had a reason to be stressed he sticks to the top and the hawkfish and goby stay in the rocks. and thanks there are 4 kinds of macro!

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yes about a week ago not bad though I was pushing some macro into a corner so that i could see the rocks and he was back there, I didnt see him and I hit him with my index fingertip...Yea it hurt like hell but i felt worse for the urchin i broke a ton of his spines. He is fine though, just a little pissed

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cool u have a lot of macro alage i like your cow fish, did u buy it at your lfs? arnt those flame scallops hard to take care of ?

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thanks, yes, no, I never touch that tank and the scallop has done great.

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