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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies



6 months up and running

From the category:

Tank Shots

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Wow! What a great tank...Is there any fish? HOw long have u been having that tank?

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Great looking tank. What are the dims on the tank and what lighting are you using?

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I love the long nano look! Cool effect...and aquascaped really nicely.

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I thought this was like a 65gal until I saw the pencil and put it in pespective :)

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Thx everyone for the kind words. Here's my tank thread:



-I have 2 fish in there, a purple firefish and 6-line about 2 inch long each(I don't care what people say- they are fat and happy. I treat them well)Tank's started cycling on 10-8-05, so it's been stocked for roughly 5 months. :)

-Dimensions are 24"Lx8"x8" roughly.

-Using a cheap Odyssea PC fixture 65w (i know i know). Looking to upgrade to T-5s

-I like the aquascaping too :)

-I threw the pencils and water bottle in on purpose :) glad u noticed y

-Again, only 65w PC, but the tank is so shallow so the corals are happy

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