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24 Gal. Nano Cube


24 Gal. Nano Cube Deluxe with hammer, torch, ricordea, leather, goniopora, crocea, false percula, yellow tang, tiger queen anthias, and emerald crab. I have 22 lbs. of live rock and 35 lbs aragalive sand.

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tank looks good. do you have any plans for the tang and anthia when they outgrow your tank?

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I plan on up-grading to a 55 gal. in the future when the tang and anthias outgrow the nano, they are alot smaller than they seem in the pic right now.

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I Love your tank. How long have u been set up? I have goniopora too. it's been 1 week, but dont want to open fully (yet). HOw long does it take to make it fully open? What do i need to feed them? What kind of lights do you have?

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Johnston, my tank has been set up 1 year. My goniopora happens to be 1 week old also, it has been opened to almost it's full size for 3/4 of the time i've had it and a few days it has been partially closed. Goniopora feeds on phytoplankton, rotifers, etc... There is a website dedicated to goniopora that has alot of info on there care. http://www.goniopora.org/

My lights are standard nano cube lights, two 36 watt pc's, all of my corals have been growing great under these lights including the crocea, this clam has had some amazing growth on it shell and has bright coloring and is very healthy... so far.

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nice tank... risky move with the tang... also is that a clam i see?... what kind of lighting are you using for that?

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nm... stock lighting... WOW... risky... how long have you had the crocea??... if you say you have been keeping it for a while now then I might just be convinced that I might be able to keep one with my cube as well.

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Actually Goniopora don't feed on phytoplankton, they are small planktivores. YOu should try DT's Oyster Eggs, and Cylopeeze, frozen and freezdried kind.

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