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Cultivated Reef

Just a pic of me

Helfrichs Chick

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Nice, very nice! And to top it off your a reefer, I hope your man is good to you!

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Helfrichs Chick


LMAO yea he is awesome. Thanks all. Its funny when I get new clients for my salt water service business I show up and they get this look like "your not what we expected" its pretty funny.

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I bet you dont have problems selling things for your SW service business do you? SMOKIN!! :)

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youre like that one hot chick from deuce bigalow... you dont happen to sell sea snails, do you? lol jp

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Helfrichs Chick


LMFAO. I do bring snails to clients house. But I use a nice tall ladder. ROGLMFA

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Congrats with your business--Your beautiful!!!


Have a great-weekend!

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WoW!! And i dont mean World of Warcraft either :P


Maybe you can come over and we can feed my fish or make some saltwater together :)

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Helfrichs Chick


lmao, make seawater together. Only reefer can appreciate that! Thank you all, im blushing

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