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My New Tattoo


After seeing the O.D.B Tattoo posted I wanted to show some nice work in progress.


This is my daughter's name, Graffitti style!!! Right now I have about 8 hours into it and another 5 or so to go.


Let me know what you think?

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Jermz79: Raised running the streets of NY, South Side Chicago and PR I have tagged my share of walls, subway cars, tractor trailers, bridges, overpasses, and of course the most popular one: po-po's precint buildings and squad cars


You are not alone, love it, is sick!!! I have my daughters name accross my back also. Don't listen to all this uptight haters - like you will get it removed! Tatt's are self-expression (got 11) do what makes you happy, be a bulleting board like me.


To that JACKASS: blooper don't be such an ignorant A**H**E leave his daughter out of it, her inocence should not be tarnished by your ignorance.

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I think the meaning and the thought is very very cool. But the style does nothing for me. I dont like the graf look, but that's just me.

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cOOL tAT bro, dig the colors. Is that the Limp Bizkit art from Significant Other?...Regardless, good job!!

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what are you gonna do if you have more kids?

Wont they be jealous if you dont have their name on you back? :)

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As promised here is a quick shot of the setel production on my back. Still gotta get some work done to it but not sure the fills for it. plus i am going to have it reoutlined as it was done with a 14 and some of the lines blew out a bit over time.


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ebin - That's a nice style man, but because I wanted it plain to read I stayted with an easy style. As far as the style I have always been into the "Old Skool" style ... some of this "New Age" stuff is so hard to read it defeats teh purpose in my eyes!


apophis - Are you saying that adults don't have Tat's??? I don't get your comment??? I didn't want a corvette or a camaro ... I wanted a tat symbolizing the love for my daughter!


Jim_i - MARKERS!!!! Hahahahahaha ... I'll leave it at that!


rsaacedra - Much Respect bro! Keep it real and like you said ... don't let any one judge you by your cover!!!


nickbedecs - Thanks Bro, no that isn't the limp bizkit guy from "3 dolla bill" ... but now that you say that it does look like him!


jmarches - When I have more kids I will have a full back piece dedicated to them!


and LAST but certainly not least ...


blooper - Hit me up bitch, come down to Florida and I'll whoop your ass homeboy!!! BUT you probably ain't got the balls to talk shit to my face, thats why you hide behind the internet.

To take personal shots at me is one thing, but you took a shot at my daughter ... 15 month old daughter!!!!!

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Yeah Blooper that was really uncool of you dude. You never ever ever talk about a mans family like that.

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You don't get an appology for me saying that you said your tatoo said a name and I said your tatoo girls name said ######. learn how to interperate a post noodle boy. Man you are dumber than sh*t. And I still say your tatoo says ######. Whatever #####, be careful too cuz your threat of physical harm has been sent to the admins here. You might get banned, just continue with your gay azz tatoo and keep reefing that's what this site is for not gay tatoo's. END OF SUBJECT, I don't have time to waist on your queen azz


Straight from Blooper74!!!! LOL

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nice estilo!!! dude you got any pics of it after finish? its pretty tight i like the tribalistics. nice for sure.


and that dude talking shit is a little pu$$y!!!

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10" Red Devil


I don't dig this at all it is totally unreadable. I mean do not get me wrong I think it is stylistic but overly so to the point where it is unreadable there is such a thing as too much.

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