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Top Shelf Aquatics

My New Tattoo


After seeing the O.D.B Tattoo posted I wanted to show some nice work in progress.


This is my daughter's name, Graffitti style!!! Right now I have about 8 hours into it and another 5 or so to go.


Let me know what you think?

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at least YOU know what it says. lol proraptor.i like the grafitti guy.

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10" Red Devil


Man your going to hate that when your 30 or 40 years old. I hope this is fake! I completely agree with proraptor. I dont think you thought this through.

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Real as real can be!!!!!

And I am 2 years away from 30 right now!! I don't regret a minute of it!!


I think tattoo's are a form of art that only certain people can truely appreciate.

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Dont get me wrong I love Tattoos but dont like that one in particular....But hey to each his own

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I just am not a fan of graffitti styling at all....It looks like a big ball of crap....The funny part is I cant even make out your daughters name....


But hey dude if you like it then thats all the matters cause its on YOUR body and not mine

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I agree, wait til' yer a gerkin, you will regret that, BIGTIME! Different strokes, for different folks!


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hahahaha ... I will be a Tatted gerkin!!!!!! No doubt!


anyway .... enough hoopla about my Tat. But I don't see how no one can read it? It's plain and simple! BERLYN

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i likeit alot,ALOT ALOT! very nice,the reason most people cant malke it out, is because the top half isnt done yet, so, yeah.

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After staring at the pic for about 5 mins, I've got it figured out.




What do I win?

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Sweet NanoGal! Thanks.

And yes your right, it is still a work in progress, not everything is done yet and as you can see I'm doing cover up work on my left shoulder. It is kind of hard to tell what it is right now.


Proraptor - I could show you some Graf. Style tat's that would blow your mind. Detailed, Crazy Color ... some real wild crap!


FloorLord - thanks, the whole reason we chose the name is originality. I have never met one person with the name Berlyn!


JMT - you win .... ummmmmmmm .... A golf clap!!! {Performs JMT's golf clap}

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lol, i think graffiti (the way it is written) is a form of art in itself, combining that, with the name of someone you will love for eternaty, now thats art.


i have plans for a tatoo, on my ankle, (or rather, above it) its a cross, with the sign of eternity (sideways 8) going through it, the eternity symbol will look flame-like, and i plan on a crown of thorns, and nails on the ends of the cross. i of course cant (leggally) get it for a few yars,. but i have had this all planned since age 9.

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2 years from 30?? a lil young to be going thru a mid life crisis, you would have been smarter to just by a corvette or maybe one ofthe new 2006 camaros, then once you understood what you really did, you can. trade the cars in and return to adult life.

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WTF, are you seriously gonna shoot on his daughter like that? would you not be offended if i said that about your daughter(if you did/do have one)? you're really f*cked up blooper.


anyways.. im loving the tatoo man, especially because graffiti is my thing. i've always wanted to tag up the walls in my room but my parents would get PISSED and just paint over it anyways =\

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see this is kind of original and has color...and damn..it must have been painful.

I would have guessed Teryn on the name...but major props whoever figured out that was a B.

So did you design it and have some else ink it?


I won't make fun of you on this one...the other ones people have posted are pretty stupid though.



wait wasn't i on here to look up something about corals...

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tatts are personal. don't matter if nobody else likes it. if u like it, u won't regret it...simple as that.


and gettin a tatt of your daughter's name is definitely personal and special. so hats off to you.

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did someone chew up some blue and purple skittles and spit them on your back?


........taste the rainbow.

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If worst case scenario arises and you one day decide that perhaps having a tattoo like this was not in your best interest, then you can always have it surgically removed.


So... I wouldnt worry about it. I guess thats all that matters...

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I can't believe what "blooper74" wrote. Why would anyone want to insult someone by taking shots at his daughter? Forget the tattoo, you have no business saying stuff like that...

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you could have went with a more up to date style. looks like it came off the set of electric boogaloo. also not too hot on how out of proportioned it is not only with regard to balance but how little it looks on your back.


Now don't get me wrong i like the graffiti idea. I wish my camera had batterys charged cause I have a full blown graffiti production of my lastname covering half my back. the art for it was done by setel milton chavez (bashers). I also have tattoo work from Mike Giant www.mikegiant.com / www.rebel8.com

I really like you did this for your daughter that is cool , but feel you made a poor choice for your artist.

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