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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

florida ricordia macro


From the category:

Macro Shots

· 87 images
  • 87 images
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thanks i need to borrow someone elses camera to take some better macro pics. My 3.0 mp hp just cant get those macros that i want

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I'm glad you dont have one! :P

You would have blown my Ric shot away if you owned a 6-8 mp!


Nice angle.

Suggestions with existingcamera...

Lower your ISO if possible (100-400ISO).

Mount on Tripod or stack of books.

Increase your F/Stop to maximum (ie holding shutter open longest possible time camera alows).

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thanks a bunch for the advise i have always wondered how to make pics come out better but i have felt to stupid to ask. I will try to do that tonite or tomorow and i might post a better pic on here.

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