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My poor best friend....


Well my poor little sunggle buddy in the avatar will soon be put down, due to an illness and surgery, which didn't help. Im just crushed, he was the most loving cat I've ever had in my 43 y. When the time comes I just don't know what I'm going to do, kind of scared I might just totally flame out and something bad will happen. It's going to be like a mother being told their 5 y old son just got killed. Never buy a pedagree animal, this cat cost me 600 bucks, then 2500 in vet bills, and he made it to 5.5y

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awwwwwwww sorry bout your cat, ive just had my cat at the vets cost me a small fortune but hes 14 n a sweetie of a cat so money means nothing. chin up x

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I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty :( I have 4 cats and I love them all to bits and have not yet had to deal with losing one but one of my two oldest has been sick lately and needs surgery so I know what you are going through. Hold it together for your kitty and if you ever want someone to talk to, I'd be happy to talk!

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The nano Lance


"It's going to be like a mother being told their 5 y old son just got killed."


Nothing feels like that! You might look into a human relationship if this is where you are at! You have no Idea! I am sorry about your cat, but I cannot stand comments like this. You may grive for a few days or weeks, but parents who lose children never forget it!

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10" Red Devil


Oh man what a beautiful cat!! What a shame! :( This is really upsetting. I feel your pain! I grew up in a family of cat lovers and for some reason all 4 cats that we had growing up prematurely died or ran away. 3 out of the 4 died from a weird disease that my dad could not afford to pay for. It was sorta like Luekemia, but a little different.


Just give it the best life it can have right now. Man Im getting all emotional now.

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look at it this way. they were 5.5 great years. i lost my cat of ten years because she went out the window and must have climbed up the fire escape to a higher floor and fell off. the next morning when i was awakened i looked out my window to find her laying dead on the pavement. that was a horrible moment. you'll make it through. at least you'll be able to say goodbye.

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"Nothing feels like that! You might look into a human relationship if this is where you are at!"


Yea well due to my diability, I basically replaced human's with cats. So this is a human to me. I'm so used to him sleeping on my pillow next to me that since he got sick and at the vet I'm only getting about 3 hrs/day in. Very stressed out...and the worst part of all is im going to have to sit there and hold him in my arms and watch him go, I wish he would go in his sleep or something, but the illness isn't something that will take him there, he will be in a lot of pain, unable to urinate and then we will have to make that last trip together.

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Never Satisfied Reffer, don't let that persons comments get to you. Personally I think there are two kinds of people, people that look at pets as disposable and people that look at them as part of the family. My cats are part of my family and I would have a horrible time as would my husband with dealing with the loss of any of them. I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you! Please let us know how everything goes and definitely if you ever want anyone to talk to about this, I am always happy to talk to you.

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yea its not bothering me, some people just don't attach to pets like other do. And then their are the kind that I really have destain for, the hunters, and others that kill just for fun. I guess this makes them feel empowered or something. I'm surprised im not a vegetarian, eating meat is something I like and hate. But when I have to cook it, by the time it's done, I have no appetite to eat. Chicken is the worst, when I prepare it, I feel like a Japanese pastry chef trying to prepare a poisons blow fish for henry the 8th!

so then it goes in the frig, till the next day I might be able to eat it.

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to put it bluntly, buying pedagree is never a good idea. the excessive inbreeding leaves them with tons of genetic problems

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to put it bluntly, buying pedagree is never a good idea. the excessive inbreeding leaves them with tons of genetic problems


Exactly...some times my granet head only hears what it wants to though. I remember my x, see said I had "MAN VISION." hmmm.....

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I love animals too but I just find one with a good personality breed animals are so overated. I agree that he must be close but I have had a brothers death in the faimly and I think thats harder, but dont get mad about people telling you to get over it. I have a domestic short hair dark green eyes and shiny black coat with white spot on the chest.

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