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You CRAZY monkey!!! Those blue ringed are BAD AS*!!!

DON'T put your hand in there though!!!!

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That is just too cute!! Where did you get this little guy. What size tank is he in??

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i was just thinking about these guys the other day. they are poisonous. but worth the hazard. i'm sure your tank lid is snug and not a single hole. you'll be amazed how these guys squeeze through the smallest of openings.

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hope you plan on getting a huge pool too... cuz they grow to HUGE sizes...


<edit> nevermind on this comment, I was thinking of something else.

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Everything I've read about Blue Rings suggest that they are a very small species ( not large )and even though they are toxic I have seen them and they are killer looking. I've also read that it's most likely it wont kill you but will definitely cause serious damage and you'd probably feel like you were going to die.

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deaths by these are a rarity, however, if your unlucky enough to get poisoned (enough) by one, you have about 3 minutes before you die. My suggestion, would be to keep the antidote... oh wait... THEIR ISN'T ONE!!! now do you think it's smart having one of these?


sorry, don't mean to sound like an A$$, but this little guy should be left in the ocean, view him from afar, not in your tank.


I CANNOT stress how lethaly deadly this little guy is.



What to do if you get bit!


The bite of the blue-ringed octopus may be painless but it is definetly deadly. Its venom contains some maculotoxin which is more violent than any animals found on land. This poison is 10,000 times more potent that cyanide. Upon being bitten, the victom's nerve conduction is stopped and paralysis sets in after a few minutes. Paralysis is then followed by death. Some symtoms are as follows:




*Loss of all other senses


If you do see someone get bit you should immediatly call 911, and then apply compresion to the wound as if it was a snake bite. Artificial respiration should also be started as soon as possible. The only way to survive is hours of heart massage and artificial respiration until the poison has worked its way out of the system. There is no anit-venom to date.


Quick Facts


The blue rings are only visible when the Blue-ringed octopus is about to atack It has a tiny, parrot like, beak that can bite through your wetsuit The Blue-ringed octopus is only the size of a golf ball but still carries enough poisin to kill 26 humans in minutes The poison is not injected but comes from it's saliva

They are found in shallow coral and rock pools in Australia "





this is a good reference :


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Bad idea IMO. Hope you dont have kids. Also, dont let your life insurance policy know.

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how can you 'not stress how deadly these are' surly.....if there deadly there deadly there arnt different levels ...but anyways niiiiiiiice octopus dude....i really want on of these just cant get my hand on one of them :(

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Helfrichs Chick


wow pretty amazing, I breed poison frogs and have a few wild caught ones.... one sent me to the hospital with bleeding outa my mouth nose and eyes, and convuslions, pretty nasty. I commend you for the effort just be freaking careful, the hos bill was 9 grand. NOT FUN could have had 20 nanos with that. I would love to set up a tank for a blue ring. Is he eating?? and what? I may have to try one someday. People freak out when you have stuff like we do (poison frogs, blue rings ect.) that can kill you, but hell people have bears lions and rattlers, all can kill you. Even more so... more people get killed by other people than by blue rings lol. Good luck

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SoCal Reefer


Blue rings are one of the smaller species of octos. What tank size you have there? My buddy used to breed blue rings. I have a bimac. Octos are somuch fun to own. Keep up the good work

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Get rid of it end of discussion! It will all fine and dandy until it bites you or some idiot sticking his hand in there. Not to mention if it escapes, octopuses can survive for a limited time out of water. If that happens I don't envy anything alive in your house. Bad idea!

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PUT WEIGHT ON THAT LID HOMMIE! Blue rings only grow to about 12in and they are highly poisones.Cephlapods dont live long,but there a total chick magnet!

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dahm why are these comments so repedative??? everyone is saying the same thing over and over again thinking they are a freeking marine biologist lol.

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