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My Propagation Tanks Thoughts


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I am starting a propagation tank.. I was think of using a 65 gal with an overflow to a sump.. I want to pretty much grow everything, or mostly everything... I was thinking that 2 6500K 150w HQI MHs... Sump with bioballs, refugium, and a skimmer... about 3" DSB


I was thinking of putting 40 Astreas, 40 Ceriths or 30 Nassarius Snails... 30 Blue-legged, 20 Scarlets, and 10 Zebras...


My questions that I have:


1) Is that good lighting... what to use as supplement lighting? color spectrum?


2) What in the refugium?


3) Snails and hermit crabs any changes?


4) What about adding starfishs?


5) What is rock rubble basically? LR broken up?


6) Flow? gph? I was thinking a total of 1000gph with powerheads and return pump...


I want to make sure I am doing is right the first time...


.... And if anyone can advise me on what supplements (chemicals) to use.. would be much appreciated...


Thanks in advance

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i would go with the 175W iwasaki 6700K's

im assuming youre going for growth?

for supplements you can do any type of flourescent actinics/blue

refugium you could put chaeto for nutrient export and lr rubble

yes lr rubble is just the smaller pieces of live rock that are broken up

usually when you get a box of lr there are pieces that get broken up and thats what people use, sometimes people will break up lr but stores are finally starting to sell it

the flow depends mainly on what you want to propogate

sps you want to up the flow lps and softies should be ok

some softies prefer higher flow and others prefer lower

i have some zoas that like high and some low and some that just look brilliant under mh and others that are bleaching

it just depends on the coral

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I have a 65g RR tank and it wouldn't be a good prop tank, IMO. It's too tall. Usually prop tanks are shallow. also, that clean up crew is far too large. I'd go with one about 1/3 the size you mentioned

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1) Is that good lighting... what to use as supplement lighting? color spectrum?
i agree on the lower kelvin/spectrum but fate's suggestion might be better. the 175W'ers are cheaper bulb and setup-wise.


2) What in the refugium?
maybe LR and shrimp for plankton to feed the corals. maybe some bivalves for filtering and larva/plankton generation (see octopets.com for feeder clams or something similar).


3) Snails and hermit crabs any changes?
less hermits and try to get smaller blue-legs so they don't topple or rearrange frags.


4) What about adding starfishs?
no starfish imo. i'd go with brittlestars instead.


5) What is rock rubble basically? LR broken up?
yes, but i would favor a grid of eggcrate over the LR rubble. propagator's tank showed that iirc. gives you best positioning and filtration ability. for a prop tank, you're looking for function over aesthetics (usually).


6) Flow? gph? I was thinking a total of 1000gph with powerheads and return pump.
depends on what you're raising but alternating currents is almost more important than total turnover imo, i.e. natural wave-motion or undercurrents.


... And if anyone can advise me on what supplements (chemicals) to use.. would be much appreciated...
ca/alk supplements primarily. maybe some full-spectrum additives. the quantity/frequency of dosing will depend on what you're growing though. if predominantly softies, there might be some other stuff i'd suggest. i would separate softies and stonys though.
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