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Coral Vue Hydros

Let's see those zoas and palys!


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I'm not much of a zoo collector cause i find they brown and loose a little color under my PC's but heres some of mine:

im not sure of the names cause some names have changed since i was last buying zoos...



armor of god



desert fox or green stardust



purple people eater



armageddon2 or goochsters



x-men paly or lunar eclipse



random groupshot...



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damn you guys and your macro lenses.


not sure what others use w/out a macro lens, but I use a magnifying glass in leu of one. My pics arent that great though, but ya can get a little closer with one.

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I wished I had a macro lense. I have a Canon Rebel XT just itching for one. Maybe some day soon.


All these pix were shot with a 4-5 year old Nikon CoolPix 885 in the macro mode using a lookdown photobox, hence the clarity.

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Sweet corals and pix Stan and Eric.

Who else got some to show off :D


I've got a few... but unfortunately my picture taking skills make them look lousy when in reality they are fairly nice. But you asked for it.






















I've got a few more that I don't have pics of but there you go.

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I've got a few... but unfortunately my picture taking skills make them look lousy when in reality they are fairly nice. But you asked for it.


I've got a few more that I don't have pics of but there you go.



I wouldn't call those pix too shabby, shaggy :lol: Nice collection.

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I don't have these personally but I thought to share them... is that against the rules? lol



Haha.......no rules here. Just here to share in our love for these beautiful corals.


Just curious, were those photos from a commercial site? They appeared awefully blue. Looks like the white balance isn't done properly or some serious actinics is being used.

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Had time to take a few more shots........


This one was so close to the water surface that when I dropped in the photobox, a bunch of polyps closed up. But you get the idea ;)



Hot pink momma



Thou shall remain nameless, but of course, I am sure someone has already named it.......


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Here's some of mine that I have...




Apparently according to the source, these ones started out blueish and then over time morphed into the brown. :(



The fire & ice in the back (if that's what they were) myteriously wilted away and died about 2 weeks after I got the colony. :(




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My friend I got them from, I believe he had them under 70w MH, I'm not sure of what the kelven rating of his bulbs were though, but I think it was 10k. What causes zoas to morph colors anyways, is it all dependant of the light used? And what light is best to use to avoid morphing?

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The pics aren't really from a commercial site, I mean I didn't rip them off from a site or anything, but they are from somebody who sells zoas. I have a couple contacts that I buy from every once in a while as most zoas we get here in Indiana are brown, yay.

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My friend I got them from, I believe he had them under 70w MH, I'm not sure of what the kelven rating of his bulbs were though, but I think it was 10k. What causes zoas to morph colors anyways, is it all dependant of the light used? And what light is best to use to avoid morphing?


When zoas morph color it is generally due to lighting changes (although this is not always the cause). Generally lighting type plays the biggest role (MH, PC etc) followed closely by the color of the bulb. Generally the bluer bulbs give you the better coloration, but this is not always true.


To keep zoas from changing colors the best thing you can do is keep them under the same/similar lighting. So if you buy some zoas from somebody w/ 20K MH bulbs you better have some heavy actinic or 20K MH bulbs to expect the same coloration. Under 10K the coloration will most likely shift but not always.


Also intensity of light plays a major role. I bought a lot of zoas from people with MH and noticed browning out on many varieties under my PC. Now that I have MH color shifts are less common and if they do happen are less noticeable.

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few random shots of my limited supply of zoos...


heres a growth sequence of one of my colonies...


before -




1.5 months after -




my fav paly, RPE -




up close and personal with the infamous EE's -




top down shot... some distortion occurred cuz of the acrylic top, and uneven surface of the water...




i want more zoos and palys but im running outta room haha...

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When zoas morph color it is generally due to lighting changes (although this is not always the cause). Generally lighting type plays the biggest role (MH, PC etc) followed closely by the color of the bulb. Generally the bluer bulbs give you the better coloration, but this is not always true.


To keep zoas from changing colors the best thing you can do is keep them under the same/similar lighting. So if you buy some zoas from somebody w/ 20K MH bulbs you better have some heavy actinic or 20K MH bulbs to expect the same coloration. Under 10K the coloration will most likely shift but not always.


Also intensity of light plays a major role. I bought a lot of zoas from people with MH and noticed browning out on many varieties under my PC. Now that I have MH color shifts are less common and if they do happen are less noticeable.


Well that just sucks. :( I have the stock 54w PC lighting in my 12g Aquapod, and most people I get frags from, or all LFS's tend to be using MH lighting... I haven't noticed any shifts with any of my zoas thus far... I DO have some blue zoas I got this past weekend, so I'll be keeping my eye on them real close. How long does a morph/shift take to happen?

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