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ugh, ick again.


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my tank has ick again. i managed to get all fish out except for the firefish.

i REFUSE to take my rockwork out again.


will my firefish eventually get hungary enough to get the food in the pepsi bottle trap or net, or is he going to starve to death? its been three days now and hes still not going for it.

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my tank has ick again. i managed to get all fish out except for the firefish.

i REFUSE to take my rockwork out again.


will my firefish eventually get hungary enough to get the food in the pepsi bottle trap or net, or is he going to starve to death? its been three days now and hes still not going for it.


feed it.

firefirsh are more resistant to itch, so a healthy diet is essential for him to be able to fight it off. i would crush garlic and soak food in the garlic juice.

my lyretail anthia made it through itch just fine, and has been itch free for 2 months now. i never removed him from the tank :)

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the firefish is fine, its the clown 6 line and goby that have ich on them.

i just want to remove all the fish and be 100% clean of it.

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Get the frozen Forumla 2 with 2% garlic!! it's like all veggies and garlic what could go WRONG!!? lol


i feed my yellow watchman goby and my Sissor tail goby and cleaner shrimp nothing buy formula 1&2 i alternate days on it trust me u can realllly smell the garlic!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
What does the garlic do?

Garlic is supposed to boost the fish's immune system which helps it fight off ich. Some people swear by it. I did some internet research when the lfs told me to try it when my Perculas got ich. There doesn't seem to be much actual research to support that garlic "treats" ich. But, there are people who swear that it helps prevent it. By the way, in my case, the Perculas died despite using garlic.

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