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30 Gal. Oeanic Cube


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I purchased the 30 Gal. Oceanic tank during Petco's $1/gal. sale earlier this year. I will be picking up the stand for the tank in a week and I should receive the false wall I purchased from Doss at custom acrylic sumps in the mail shortly. Right now I have some pending items in my shopping cart at MarineDepot.com. Would you guys mind taking a look at what I have pending and advise with your opinions? Greatly appreciated! :)


- Jager 100 W Heater 12 inch UL Approved (X1) $19.49

- Current USA SunPod 20 inch, 1x150W 14000K PowerPaq HQI Lamp & Lunar Lights (X1) $249.99

- AquaC Remora Protein Skimmer with Maxi-Jet 1200 Pump (X1) $163.95

- JBJ Mini-Arctica Chiller DBI-050 1/15hp (X1) $339.99

- Maxi-Jet 1200 Powerhead / MP 1200 (X2) $37.90

- Total w/ Tax and Shipping: $834.47


Of course, Ill keep pics of all updates and equipment as it arrives.

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- Jager 100 W Heater 12 inch UL Approved (X1) $19.49: increase that to at least 150, maybe 200w.

- Current USA SunPod 20 inch, 1x150W 14000K PowerPaq HQI Lamp & Lunar Lights (X1) $249.99: Look into getting a single 250W instead, they're pricier but the 30 is a fairly deep tank that will thank you for the extra light... depending on what you choose to keep that is. If you want to keep the high light creatures like anemone's, SPS, clams etc, go with the increased wattage.

- AquaC Remora Protein Skimmer with Maxi-Jet 1200 Pump (X1) $163.95: Fine

- JBJ Mini-Arctica Chiller DBI-050 1/15hp (X1) $339.99: Go with the 1/10th hp instead.

- Maxi-Jet 1200 Powerhead / MP 1200 (X2) $37.90: Get one more, maybe wait on the new nano sized Tunze powerheads.

- Total w/ Tax and Shipping: $834.47


Of course, Ill keep pics of all updates and equipment as it arrives.

My responses in green.


30's still a nano though, not a large reef ;).

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Im conerned you suggest I get a pricier and more powerful chiller. The one I have chosen says it is rated up to 45 gallons. Why bother? Additionally, what will the Tunze powerheads offer that the Maxi-Jets lack? I am pretty sure I want to keep only soft corals and perhaps a clam.


This tank will be set up in my parents house (with me taking care of it of course!) and my mom has poor vision. We visited an LFS in SD recently and she could see the soft flowing corals well (Xenia, GSP, Frogspawns, etc.) and didn't care for the SPS at all. Thus, Im pretty sure I dont want to go over 150 watts.


Your suggestions are absolutely welcomed and respected.

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IDK if this is any help, but check out Bricks thread. He is using a chiller from nanocustoms and he really likes it.





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Skip the maxijet 1200s. You can get higher flow pumps that use less wattage. I like maxijets alot but the 900s and lower only.

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unless you just don't keep your AC on in the summer, you shouldn't need a chiller with the sunpod. heck, we had a current outer orbit (150w HQI + 2x65w PC) over a 30 cube with no heat issues at work. store temps were in the low-mid 70's at the time.

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i think maxijets are good on a wavemaker

if theyre constantly on id go with a seio

havent read many things with the tunze nano stream but they do look promising

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I am also doing a 30G Oceanic cube tank with a false wall from Doss. For the skimmer u may wanna take a look at the new skimmer that sapphireaquatics.com is developing. They are very small and should fit in one of the chambers behind the false wall. I am actually stopping by SA to check out their new skimmer in action and maybe purchasing one. I purchased the same sunpod light as yours and most likely will be going with a 1/10th current prime chiller. For circulation, i have an oceanflo powerhead (basically a modified maxijet 900) from oceanflo.com. Good in my case because iplan to keep sps... may not be appropriate in your case because of softies. im in the process of gathering all the equipment as well... good luck...

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My parents house unfortunately has no A/C so a chiller will be absolutely necessary. Do you guys think that $350 chiller will be insufficient?

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As with most things in the aquarium industry, the ratings on chillers are incredibly optimistic in recommended tank size. You need the 1/10th for a 30 with halides and no ac. Fans are doable to cool the tank the rest of the way, but you'll have astronomical top-off problems.


Don't forget, you have to buy a pump for the chillers return.

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Updated buy list. Comments requested:


- Ebo Jager 150 W Heater 13 inch UL Approved - $19.99

- Current USA SunPod 20 inch, 1x150W 14000K PowerPaq HQI Lamp & Lunar Lights (X1) $249.99

- AquaC Remora Protein Skimmer with Maxi-Jet 1200 Pump (X1) $163.95

- 1/10 HP (Mini) Current USA Prime Inline Chiller w/ Dual-Stage Thermostat #399.90

- Maxi-Jet 1200 Powerhead / MP 1200 (X2) $37.90

- Total w/ Tax and Shipping: $897.88

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The tank will be located in SD in a room where the temp will get above 80+ for sure. 250 MH seems uncessecary for the corals I want. Money is not the issue here. The correct components are.

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You still need a pump from the chiller to the tank... look for something around 700-800 gph, with head loss you should be within the rated flow of a chiller.


Because of this, you only need one powerhead in the tank (silly of me to forget the pump requirement, especially since I have the same chiller).


Ambient room temp over 80, you need a chiller and for the 30 cubes size, T5 lighting isn't an option.

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Dont go T5 stay with halide....I wouldnt buy a chiller till you know you need one.

Generally, I agree with that advice but I know my 30 with 250w halides jumps to 90 when the room is 85... that small surface area seems to have a heck of a time keeping cool, even with fans (and the evaporation rate of fans on your tank may be tough to contend with since this is a tank you'll be maintaining for your folks).


Since you're going with Marine Depot, get everything but the chiller (and its pump) and fill with water to see what your temps are like, if it's too hot then you'll still get free shipping on a high ticket item like the chiller.

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alright buddy, i'll answer your questions and you don't need to follow anyone elses responses :D


step 1: get a room FAN

-this will help your chiller either way 3-4 degrees. during this heatwave, in 85-90 degree room temperatures in Los Angeles, the fan was able to keep it below 84. with your chiller, it shouldn't have a problem of pulling it down to 3-4 more degrees, hitting around 80 degrees. in my opinion, a 1/15th is fine with a fan, but if you really want the extra insurance go with 1/10th.


step 2: lighting

-halides = penetration and heat

-T5s give almost just as much heat as PCs. less than halides considerably but it is still heat. if i was doing lps with a few clams placed up top and sps, then 150 should be no problem. for a better spread, get the T5s, however there is no T5 fixture that is 20 inches as they start on 24 inches.


if you get a canopy, i would get the ice cap retrofit kit, this is the best T5s in the industry at this moment.

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I've seen several 30-33 cubes with 24" T5's on them and it looks fine. You can use legs, most are adjustable. They look best when suspended and you don't notice that they are wider than the tank. All you notice is how great your corals look compared to the tanks with halides.

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I've seen several 30-33 cubes with 24" T5's on them and it looks fine. You can use legs, most are adjustable. They look best when suspended and you don't notice that they are wider than the tank. All you notice is how great your corals look compared to the tanks with halides.


So you are claiming corals look better under T5's than halides? LOL Id like to see you tell hardcore SPS keepers over at reefcentral that...LOL


They are all switching back to halides cause their SPS coloration sucks under T5's. I myself would want a fixture that would fit my tank exactly...When the fixtures overhang on the sides it looks ghetto to me.

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I love the debate, and I especially appreciate the advise. Although scattered, it has helped me a great deal, and hopefully you all as well.


Anyways, it has become very obvious I will need yet another ANOTHER powerhead for my chiller. (and btw, anyone who says I dont need a chiller is invited to come stay a night in my parents house's lower bedroom. You will enjoy your sleep in a pile of sweat my friend. I digress, I need another pump. Apparently, I also need one with a considerable flow rating (450-800 GPH). I took a look at the pumps that can supply this type of power and they're enormous! (upset smily face). Needlesss to say, I am getting discouraged with the varitey of inconsistent advise, overwhelming amount of choices for equipment, and of course, the fact that I dont know how to input animated .gif files into my reply (smily face spinning around shaking fists violently).


Thus I must ask you all once more for advise:


- What type of anormous pump will I need to drive this chiller that will be placed about 3 feet under the tank.

- Will it fit in the back wall?

- Will you do it for me if I pay you?


Thanks! (slightly grinning yet slightly sad smily face)

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