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Innovative Marine Aquariums

30 Gal. Oeanic Cube


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No problem. In the center flow is the skimmer and underneath is going to be LR rubble and Chaeto. The two walls have grooves on the bottom sides to let water pass through the bottom area. The left side has the heater and a MJ 1200 at the bottom. The right is the same w/o a heater. Both MJ are hooked up with some tubing to the two returns going through the wall.

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I would have done it where the overflow is only in the middle and then instead of only have one wall between each pump I would have two so it would go from the middle to under a wall then over the other wall to get to the pumps... that way it forces it to go thru the chaeto and then go to the pumps. This way I also think there is less dead spots.



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Makes sense. The most amount of water coming over the overflow is through the center since those grooves are the largest and tallest. There is so much current going through this tank though that dead spots are a none issue. I appreciate your thoughts however. Please tag along and keep me posted with your thoughts!

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The tank is undergoing a bit of a cycle. I have a diatom outbreak which has made the rock and some of the sand a brownish color. I put in some turbo and margarita snails and Im just waiting for my levels to get to an acceptable level to start adding. What do you all suggest: add fish first or corals?


Much appreciated and hope everyone is having a good day. It was nice to see some of you at the frag swap!

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I want to know why everyone wants to always jump up to a 250 watt MH? That seems to be too much light on such a tiny tank. Am I wrong? Maybe I am. Do we even know what he wants to keep? I have an Aqualight Pro with 1 150 watt hqi and 2 65 watt pc's. This is on my 40 breeder. Now people are telling me I should have gone to a 250. Can I ask why? I have around 7 watts per gallon. I know that rule doesn't always work, but I am planning on a mixed reef. Zoas in low flow areas, Clams, Some acropora up closer to the MH, and LPS. Why would someone want to jump to a 250? I would think it would overheat a tank. I have a 250 watt metal halide. It's a PFO. I ran it on my freshwater planted aquarium. It made the room entirely too hot. Just thought I'd give my thoughts. Let me know what the deal is. I've always wondered. =)

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  • 2 weeks later...
If I dont get any help then I will add ANOTHER Yellow tang to my 6 gal. nano cube.

btw, please no one take this seriously. I realize how easily offended some people here get.


1 tang ?? B) look what i have ~~


~ how many fishes u can find ?? and name it


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The big zoo rock has opened a bit more. Its pretty nice, has a lot of green and orange zoas as well as some slight bluish color polyps. The leather is finding itself more at home too and it looks like its ready to split. All and all I think it looks great.






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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Dammmnnn man! :o :o :o


This tank is GORGEOUS!!! Im LOVING the fish list, corals, placement(s)! :o


Those are my DREAM clowns!!! I've been looking for a nice enough pair for ages!!! Can't find them :( Where you live? And how much were they?!?!?



Flick :)

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Thanks for the kind words. I was beginning to think no one was checking out my tank. However, since you showed some interest take a look at some updated photos. We got a new clam, some GSP that has not opened yet, and some more stuff.


BTW I live in San Diego and the clowns were $40 for the pair.




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