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Cultivated Reef

Its Alive!


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Well here she is! This tank has been in the making for some time....(of course the gears starting turning when I stumbled upon Nano-Reefs). I’ve had about 55 lbs of LR curing in a container since December (before I even had the tank) which was more than enough for my tank & my GF’s. Since the rock and most of the sand is well established I’ve had no readings of anything for the last 6 weeks. Although I had to dose B-Ionic to get my Alk and Calc. up to par. Most of the frags I added this last weekend as well as the fish.


Here’s the specs:

Tank: Approx. 8gal glass tank w/ rounded corners and bow front from HK

Lights: JBJ w/2 24watt PC’s (actinic & 10k), upgraded fans, and built in blue LED’s (moon light)

Circ: Custom over flow box, an Aquaglobe pump in the tank, and a Maxijet 600 for the return from the sump.

Heater: Visi-Therm 100watt heater

Substrate: 2" SB w/ sugar sized grains (it’s in a bin at LFS) and a few cups from different tanks.

Top-off: Float switch w/ 2gal container


Sump/Fug: 5.5 glass w/ 2" SB. Chaetomorpha and two mangroves for nutrient export.

Fug light: LOA 27watt


Inhabitants: (Most of them I fraged from colonies in my 55)

Various zoo’s, pom pom xenia, blastommusa, GSP, small hammer, ricordia, and various shrooms.

Fish: White ray goby and his pistol shrimp buddy.


I put the large rock with the shrooms in my fug for my 55 back in December with the intention of “seeding” the rock and it worked out great. Theres a bunch of feather dusters, a butt load of spaghetti worms, mysis, and pods. Even the shrooms split a few times while it was in there. I put another chunk or LR in the fug to get pod population off to a good start in there as well. Future plans will be modifying the light for 2 plugs and possibly adding DIY kalk reactor (still searching for info on this). Im not sure what other fish I will add, possibly a black percula. Well thats it for now Ill update again once things grow out.

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Thanks for the compliments crak hehehe well I did make a door for it, but I havent gotten around to getting the hardware, so I just slide it into place most of the time. Yeah its going to suck when they get too tall. I dont want to get rid of them so Ill have to figure something out. Someone did tell me that if you pluck a leaf from time to time it slows the growth, not sure if there is any truth to that though.

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Tank is looking amazing, love the rock work (what kind of rock is that?) water is very clear and there is allot of color starting to come alive. Your Fuge is looking very solid also with great lighting


Can you give the specs of your water temp and specific gravity?



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Thanks for the good words Goliath =)

The LR is great! A LFS has been getting in A LOT of it lately and its perfect for reef tanks, it is $$$ though. Its extremely porus and light. I got about 9 chunks and all of it only weighed 5.5 lbs!! I asked him where it came from and he said "some island between fiji and tonga" so that means what? lol


Temp is 78

SG 1.023

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That is just TOO cute DJ. I just love that tank.....and the tiny sump/fuge!


With the open top how much evaporation do you have a day? Are you planning on adding macro algae to the fuge in addition to the mangroves?

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Thanks liz =)

When I first got the tank it looked small but now it doesnt feel so. I was surprised at how much water it held when doing the water test.


I do have some spaghetti algae in there (Chaetomorpha) its kinda hard to see in the pic though. I dont loose much water to evap. Before I hooked up the float switch I was topping off about 2 cups a day. I thought it would be more. I do plan on making a top though, Ive been getting paranoid about the fish jumping.

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Thanks crak

All you need is 2 LEDS, a 50 ohm resistor, and a power supply, a 4.5v works great. When you finally get around to it let me know Ill draw you up a diagram. For ease of light removal I used a coaxial connector (pic below), its just one less wire to worry about when I have to move the light out of the way.

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nice. is it juts me or is there no sockets for those PC bulbs.....


"Id love to know how they do that"


heh..ok this a new movie, but name that one...

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