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Convert 2.5g to a 3g w/2.5g fuge...?


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I have a Perfecto 2.5g with an Aquaclear 20 shooting in from the side. Currently I am experiencing temperature stablility issues, though I have not lost anything. Swings can range from 75-85 degrees IN ONE DAY! I have tried many different solutions to regulate it, but it is still shifting from 77-82 degrees. I would like a little bit more stability, and therefore, thought of the following:


I would like to move everything into a 3g Eclipse (which used to house a goldfish) and make the 2.5g a fuge. I'll replace the stock lighting with my Coralife mini-aqualight and use the Eclipse lighting over the 'fuge (for the chaeto). Of course I will need to clean the Eclipse big time before a transfer, but I think the total volume after would be more efficient and stable. Planned water movement/filtration would be made using the AC20's pump (into the 'fuge) and back out using an AC30 powerhead, or another pump.


How should I handle the transfer of livestock/LR/LS? Obviously I will need to get additional LR and LS. Suggestions and constructive criticism are requested! :)


BTW, livestock is as follows:

1x Yellow Clown Goby

2x Sexy Shrimp

6x Blue Leg Hermits

2x Nassarius Snails

1x Astrea Snail


2x Xenia stalks

3x Zoa frags

1x Ric frag



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Take the 3g eclipse (im assuming its acrylic) drill a hole for a bulkhead in one of the top corners, make a small acrylic overflow box and attach it inside the 3g where the hole is, install a bulkhead, elevate the eclipse about 4-5 inches, then gravity feed down from the 3g to the 2.5 and have a small return pump to pump water back up. Thats how my 2.5 is currently rigged up, you can see pics and stats here:


Lemme know if you have any Q's!

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Dude sweet! Yes the Eclipse is acrylic. I'm going to drill holes in both top corners and install valves on the bulkheads as well. Thanks for posting your link!


Think I'll place my powerhead inside the 3g and purchase another pump as a return, as I still want to use my AC20 for mechanical/chemical filtration. I assume the setup eliminates the need for daily top-offs?


I noticed you have some snails roaming around in your refugium. Did you put your entire clean-up crew in there? I'd definitely want some in my display, I GOTSTA show off my priceless blue legs. :) Thanks again for your help man!

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I but about 2 or 3 snails/crabs in both the fuge and display, as time goes on they will die off and I move them around, always keeping at least 3 of each in the display. In small systems such as these the hermits become a little aggressive and you lose snails faster than hermits, but they are cheap and easy to replace.


You could use you AC on the fuge I suppose, or even on your main tank depending on where you locate your fuge. If you look at mine it would be hard for me to use any other type of filter, and also keep im mind the water level of the fuge might not be high enough for an addition filter on it, as noted on my setup. However, if you place the fuge someplace other than behind the main display you can prolly work a hang on in there somehow.

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