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Keeping Pico Warm During Chicago Winter


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First of all, I think everyone's Picos on here are *#&(@!$ fantastic--they really are absolutely pieces of art. It kind of makes me want to thumb my nose at all the marine aquarists who say that "it just shouldn't be attempted harrumph harrumph."


But I have a question in regards to smaller tanks like one gallons--how do you keep them warm? I'm pulling out my hair trying to find a solution that doesn't involve totally investing in a new system for my bettas this coming winter. I'd prefer something that doesn't involve just pointing a light at them because the water temperature here would swing rapidly (I've seen +5ºF changes over a period of a day or two already, and it's not even October!) so it's not an option as much. They tanks are kept covered and I change them frequently (more than once a week usually).


And filtering as well--which filters do you find work really well in smaller tanks? Is there any valve that will fit with them to slow down some of their output?


Thanks for any feedback and suggestions on equipment you can give me. And again, I've been entirely awed by the picos people feature on this site--they are stunning examples of why this hobby has serious advantages! :D



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i'd try sticking the pico somewhere where the ambient temperature is constant and warm. don't have one of these places (most people don't!) - stick the pico on a hot plate! in all seriousness, they do sell heating pads for lizards that you could use. i don't think they get very hot.

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i'd try sticking the pico somewhere where the ambient temperature is constant and warm. don't have one of these places (most people don't!) - stick the pico on a hot plate! in all seriousness, they do sell heating pads for lizards that you could use. i don't think they get very hot.


That's a genius idea!! I saw them yesterday at the petstore when I was pricing things out and I had a passing thought about this. Thank you so much! *Goes to plot*

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I had an AGA 25w adjustable heater in my 1 gallon, and it worked just fine. The hydor heat pads suck, as well as the junior heaters from walmart. They get way to hot.

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