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Mac, re-read the posts. You asked him to not say the g word and I asked that we leave religion out of this thread (for obvious reason as we are still posting about it) and you said something to the effect that my blasphemywould lead to something happening to my daughter (at least that was how I read it). I take offense at that. Who wouldn't.


Ok, this horse is now deader than the DT's horse.



Mac, I am not going to respond in this thread again so don't go looking for any more on this from me. Life is too short to rehash this nonsense once every few weeks.

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This is not about religion but I must know. Crak, do you like myself get caught up with those guys in the blackpanther/leather spikes on the corner of Broadway and around 44th and have one of those 2 hour battles with them as the one guy screams out crap from whatever book he is holding and the main dude spews verbal diarrhea from his mouth and you just can't seem to break away from the debate so hours are spent correcting his nonsence to the point you think the whole mob is gonna jump you since the only reason they are there is to tell the world that their god says that the black man will take over the world and kill all the white people in the up and coming race war?


Had to know, as I was reading this thread aloud, my wife said "sounds like you and those strange men you have to stop and argue with everytime their on the corner on broadway" I thought maybe you could relate.


Sorry for the continuation of the hijack.


Oh, and for the original topic, I don't know why so many people always have issues with occupants getting in the intake tubes (filters, PH's, etc.) or out tubes, they make strainer caps in just about everysize you can think of and are readily available in most all LFS's.

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Liquid, I have those guys out in front of my office every day at 34th and 7th. I have never been prodded into a debate with them, as I know there is no way I will win. Too many of them yelling at one person. I find it all comical. I did talk to one of them once. He made a crack about my smoking being a bad habit and then he tried to sell me a raffle ticket. I told him I couldn't support something I didn't believe in and he started to tell me how I wasn't jewish and he was and blahblahblah I cut him off and said I wasn't saying he wasn't, I was just saying I didn't agree with him that I wasn't and that as far as I was concerned, he could shout his beliefs thru a bull horn because what he believes is his business and what I believe is mine. He told me to quit smoking and then he asked me for a light. I was going to ask him why I never see him at temple on the high holy days but I got control of my sarcastic self and walked away.

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Ok, first off I said, Stop using the GD word not G word.

Originally posted by Crakeur

Mac, re-read the posts.  You asked him to not say the g word and I asked that we leave religion out of this thread (for obvious reason as we are still posting about it)  

Second of all I DID NOT say that about your daughter. What I meant was, how can you not believe in GOD when you have been given such a wonderful gift! I mean't no disrespect to you or your family!

Originally posted by Crakeur

and you said something to the effect that my blasphemywould lead to something happening to my daughter (at least that was how I read it).  I take offense at that.  Who wouldn't.

Ok, this horse is now deader than the DT's horse.

Mac,   I am not going to respond in this thread again so don't go looking for any more on this from me.   Life is too short to rehash this nonsense once every few weeks.


Please respond, because it really upsets me that you think I would wish harm on your daughter....I would never do such a thing. Neither would my GOD!

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Originally posted by MacnReef

You ignorance about GOD shows a lot about you.  Especially with the gift you were given (your avatar).  I believe GOD will punish you by effecting things that we love.


Please do NOT reply to this, I am not interested in your ignorance about GOD!


I have no ignorance with respect to god. What I know is based on my own religious beliefs. I will claim a certain degree of ignorance with respect to gods of other religions.


You talk about the gift god gave me (daughter) and then you say that you believe god will punish me by effecting the thing I love. I read that as he will do something to my child. hell, even if you meant my tank, I stand by my original statement. Any god that will punish my tank, my child, my wife, my car or my shoes for that matter, for something I said is a god that really doesn't care much about the rest of the world as that is where his attention should be, especially in times of serious trouble as we are in now.


Mac, I really don't want to get into this with you. Rest assured that you there will be no smiting for the things you said. No harm will come to you because I am upset about something you said. I ain't upset.


I'm taking my travelling circus of lunacy downstairs to take it up with the fellas in bondage gear on the corner.

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Damn, once I re-read my reply, I noticed that it must of seemed that I was talking about your daughter. Danm IT.X)


That is not what I meant. I am SORRY.


Have fun with the fellas in bondage gear! :D

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I dont think any of this would be a problem or even up for discussion on here if some people would realize this is a PUBLIC forum, anyone can register and say whatever they want. If you dont like the way someone says something leave it alone dont start some silly thread that will not get anything accomplished. I mean come on, do you really think you will change someones use of their vocab because you say you dont like it? This world doesnt work that way abd as long as you are a part of it then just suck it up and ignore all the trivial crap such as use of words that bothers you. There is plenty more to worry about.

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Bart: "Don't have a Mooby Cow man!"




You guys are KILLING me!!! What is this? The Gaza Strip?


Pretty soon Yasimir Ara-Crak-afat and Prime Minister Mac are going to meet in the Nano-Hall for negotiations?


And the honorable Rev. Jesse JJ-Jackson-shiv sounds like one of those "Can't everybody just get along?" posts.



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Haha, I guess I will take the Jesse Jackson title just cuz it fits in with your post SeaMt. but I dont like Jesse Jackson so try and think of another person for me. Haha, Ara-crak-afat is good.

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Let me tell you guys a little something. C-Mark rocks! I've run forums and I can tell you it AIN'T easy. Always walking the line and trying to balance ego's, mouths, opinion's and out-of-control threads. :::casting a glance each direction:::


One thing I've noticed here is this. There are way more 'personalities' than on many forums. Nano's are apparently a narrow niche. Heck... I've only been around a few weeks and have YET to get my 10g salted down. Did buy some IO today and will get RO and start mixing this weekend!


But back to the point... Which is ironic because the thread sarted with 'fuges, went to religion, veered off to threats on family, and then continued on! But anyway... Here at NR.com, there are a ton of personalities. All Type A's. Some may be a tad psychotic aka RLiu8 or whatever, but we can rip and run smack on each other while others sit back and grin.


C-Mark does a great job here. Whether it's n00b's, 'fuges, st00pid questions, politics, lights or what to feed my (______)... One thing can be counted on... It's ALWAYS fun and there is NOT a heavy hand when it comes to discipline. Hat's off to C-Mark.


Now back to the thread... Is Alanis Morrisette really God?

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seriously SM, you have got to get over Kevin Smith. I think you should know that there are hundreds of movies released every year, some are actually good. There are many writers/actors/directors and there are many writer/directors. Time to expand your horizons a bit. Go rent Annie Hall and any two other Woody Allen Movies (Sleeper, Sex, Love and Death, Take the Money and Run etc. not the newer crap). Go see any other movie and start quoting from them. the smith shtick is getting old real fast.


On a side note that I really think you would get a kick out of, there was some terrorist activity yesterday and the group that claimed responsibility was the Muslim Islamic Liberation Front. MILF. Made me think of that whole #### scene in Jay and Silent Bob.

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MILF was American Pie dude!


If you get a chance try "GlennGarry Glen Ross". A classic!


Bad@ss Jack in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" is a must have to your collection!


"Breakfast Club". Anything with DeVito like "Other Peoples Money", "Tin Man", except "Twins"! Arnold... Sheesh...


Even "Tombstone" except for Cosner. Kilmer as Doc, "I'm your huckleberry."


Hey I see many classics there Crakle & Ebert! ;)


My youngest daughter used to work in a video store. NO!!! Not the quarter slots place with locking doors!!! :angry: LOL


Just can't beat the esoteric dialogue and references to outside antagonists when it comes to such sophomoric humor as Smiths! Tom Green could never do it. Nor could "Duece Bigelow". They were funny as hell, but just gutter humor alone.


My newest comedy channel is FoxNews. Just can't beat the 'Fair and Balanced' thing for trashing Liberals! :P


You da man Crak!!!

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Oh my god...that is so funny. When I heard MILF on the news the other day...I told my wife "Hey look, it is a group of mom f*ckers!" :D


American Pie!

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Standing at correction and attention sir! What is this n00b's damage!? ;)


That's what happens when the fingers are typing faster than the brain is processing Crak! I HATE that b@stard. He has a casino/restaurant in Deadwood, South Dakota and has his movie posters plastered everywhere. When he hit town he attempted to micro-manage the city council for permits, the SD Gaming Commission for increased betting limits, etc. Just basically tried to overrun the town. Idiot.


Nothing worse than a person who thinks just because they are a 'celebrity' their words carry more weight, or they should have others cow down to them.


I am humbled by your firm, but gentle correction... B)

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Sounds like they went out of their way to make MILF their anacronym. Muslim Islamic Liberation Front? Isn't that sort of redundent? It would be like the Hebrew Jewish Foundation or the Catholic Christian Coalition. And here I thought Americans were the only ones who enjoyed the MILFs.

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