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Reasonable price for turbo snails?


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What would you consider a reasonable price for a turbo snail?


I placed an order online for an entire clean-up crew. Before then, however, I called the closest saltwater LFS (1 hr drive - sometimes I hate rural living).


Their price? $2.89 each.

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There's an online vendor that has a free CUC, you pay shipping - Lot's of people here have used it but I forget who it is though - Maybe someone else will chime in.


Wait till you hear back on this before ordering elsewhere

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Thanks for the link!


I found a great price for a whole crew from a highly rated eBay seller (will let you know how it turns out), just over $20 shipped for 9 snails and 2 crabs.


Just curious how the $2.89 per turbo compared to anyone else's LFS.

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I paid 75 cents apiece, plus shipping, from eBay seller thoroughbred_fan.


He has a variety of clean-up crew plus coral.


(Reviewed my purchase separately in the merchant area)

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Turbo's retail at $2.50 by me but they clean absolutely everything! My lfs gives me discounts anyway for spending so much $ and time there.

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The Propagator

AYE Yi Yi you guys are willing to pay through the nose!

I shoul dbe so lucky to have customers like you guys LOL!


Shop around fellas thats too pricey.


Try this one.............;)




$0.45 each for astreas and they also have true nassarius vibex for $0.45 each as well.

Talk nice and he will even get you some mexican turbos from the gulf.


( if it says "Not in stock" dont sweat it! ask for it anyways and he will go out a get more within the week. NOTHING but the peppermint shrimp are seasonal because the peps come in with the lobster fisherman)




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