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Ma's 10G Clam only Nano


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Here is my 10 G Nano for Clams, 2 month old.


Currently, I have a large Crocea & a Small Maxima with a bunch of snails & Red/Green Grapes.

The tank has a small Whisper filter, a home made skimmer.  Bi weekly water change & exchange water to my 29G main tank once in a while.  

Lighting:  70W Kawasaki 6500K Metal Halide plus 26W Actinic PC.  (Very Proud to made this lighting set up:


$45 70W flood light metal Halide fixture got from ebay,

$75 kawasaki bulb 6500K from premium aquatics

$30 2x23W kits & Actinic bulb from AHsupply

Total: $150  


The clam image are side view followed by top view.




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The light fixture is pretty high & I drilled a lot of holes in the back of it.  I removed the Balists & put it remotely so only the bulbs is up there.  The bulb is the lowest watt MH Aquarium bulb avaiable & is only 70W, a lot less heat emitted.  Finally, I raise the light about one inch if

goes over 81 grgree during the day.  These actions has

managed to keep the water bellow 81 during the day.


Clam lover



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The 70 W 6400K MH over 10G isn't as yellowish as the bigger bulbs.

The color look very similar without the two actinic. Afterall, I had only 26W of 7100K PC, very litle blue supplimentation.  Sorry no new pic in a while as my friend did me a favor wih his D-Camera.  

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I feed the tank Phytoplex from Kent twice a week.


As for the skimmer,  I bought a Visi-Jet -PS Turbo-Venturui skimmer(made by Aquarium Systems) $33, came with a power head. It din't skim a thing after 3 days.  I gave up on the Turbo-Venturi-way & saparated the powerhead to use  for my 29 tank & use the rest of the skimmer collecion tube & cup, perfect height for 10G.  Stick it with a air pump & good fat Corallife wooden air stone. Skim like a charm.    



break apart  

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Depending on the size of that Maxima, you will want to feed more than that.


The Crocea doesn't really need it, but that baby Maxima needs LOTS of food to grow, not just strong light.

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Hi, I'd like ti feed the Clam somthing else

as well as the Plenktons.  Any suggestions rather than the Yeast/blood suggested bt Daniel Karps 10 years ago?  thx.

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DT's is great for clams.


Another concern is that clams need some nitrates to make energy.  If it is a clam only with nothing really producing nitrates, I don't know how sucessful this will be in the long run.  The large clam may not be able to generate enough food from the light.


You might ask around, but you might be better off adding a small fish.

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According the recent article from Marine Fish (The 2002 anual issue


DT & Phytoplex provide same exact particle size 1-16 micron.  DT is slghtly btter but only when fresh,

as it's live. The Phytoplex store fresh longer.  They don't complemet each other, esentialy getting either one would be the same. Somthing very different could be a better as second food.  


Good toughts on the fish! I did add a fish after these photo posting, a small cadinal for three reasons:


1, PJ Cardinal doesn't move around  very much, less disterbing to the clams.

2, Eat the small bugs that's runing creazy on the glass.

3, produce nitrate to feed the clams.


I removed the grapes as it crashed & it was a big bess to clean up.

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  • 2 months later...

Two month later, I put 4 Clams in there!


one Maxima 2.5 inch

One Squamosa 3 inch

one  Crocea 5 Inch

One the other Clam 4 inch.


Has two fish now beacuse Nitrated too low,


Funny that All hair Algae died!!!  It's a big problem for my 29G Tank?  May be Nitrated too Low?



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yea, i noticed that algae dosen't really have a chance since i put in a 3in. crocea in my tank. The only problem is I have the clam and skimmer competing, haha. Hopefully the new damsels i got will fix the problem.

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i can't see the pics????????? all there is is little red x's in a white box........ :confused:

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Just some clarification...


Everyone seems to think that many pictures where lost in the server transition, but it just isn't true. The pictures aren't lost, it's just the url's in the message posts are skewed...


For example:


Old broken link - http://www.nano-reef.com/mbimages/upload/10G-Nono.JPG


New pointer to the same file - http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/mbimages/u...ad/10G-Nono.JPG


Just with the 'forums' sub-directory added. Still there tho.


Anyways, here are the pics:









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sweet set up crocea. i love clams, i wanna set up a clam nano some day. but for now i'm poor and i'll just have to look at your pictures and dream.sigh...............


(Edited by Metznreef at 11:36 am on June 28, 2002)

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Quote: from SaltyDog on 3:27 am on June 28, 2002[br]Just some clarification...


Everyone seems to think that many pictures where lost in the server transition, but it just isn't true. The pictures aren't lost, it's just the url's in the message posts are skewed...


Oh. I remember Chris saying that some pics were lost during the server change but he was going to try to recover them. I guess he did.

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