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Cultivated Reef

Azoo Mini-Tank


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Will there be any problems shipping the tank from overseas since customs will probably be very strict because of the war?

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Circle Pets in Long Beach sells these units. I was in there yesterday to check one out that was already setup.


It has a tiny sump and room for a heater in the back. It has three chambers. The first chamber is about 2 1/2 inches wide and maybe 10" tall. They put in Bio-rocks in the first chamber. The second is about the same size and it has room for a sponge filter. The third holds the heater and the return pump connected to a tube. The 13 watts PC is only strong enough for mushrooms and polyps etc. It does not come with two bulbs. It's a 50/50 bulb. The 2 watts per gallon is adequate because it is shallow enough. You won't have hard corals or clams and goodies. The pump it comes with sucks. They had to put in two Rio's. One for circulation and another for the return flow.


They've setup several successfully for months. People come in and buy them already setup. They sell them from 340 - 400 bucks with rock, sand, critters, mushrooms, polyps and a tang or clown.


I was thinking of converting an eclipse 10 but the cost would be more and this little thing looks more interesting.


Hope that helps!

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Excellent. Thanks.


The guy told me yesterday that the older models had fans built in. But because they rusted easily, the manufacturer removed them on the units they have been receiving lately.


Could you let us know if the double light ones due in have a fan installed? Thanks.

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I have plenty of old computers parts to ransack, but if they took them out because of the rusting, how am I going to prevent that?

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You could try having them pull air into the hood instead of pushing air out of the hood...I believe this would help with rusting. BTW, azoo tanks never had fans, I think the guy is confusing them with alife tanks!

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Atleast, I don't think they did. But you can figure with a 13W pc there is not much heat coming from the light. Let me check on that no fan information I gave you. I am almost sure of it, but I was told they never had fans.

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Personally it seems a little fishy to me that the tanks still have yet to come in and that they are not sure how the lighting works. I would almost recommend an AGA 7 minibow and retro the proper lighting in it for about the same price. I know it would be a little more for the AGA once you get the filtration, but it seems it may be worth it!


Just my 2 pennies!

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Who's giving you the problems? The manufacturer? Were there as many problems with the first shipment of tanks? The ones with only one 13w?


The reason I'm not getting a 7 bow is because I only have a space of 16 x 10 footprint available in my room. The Azoo would fit there... but if worse comes to worse, I would get a 5.5 tank.

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socal are you sure they would let you put a tang in such a small tank.then again they dont care its money in their pocket.

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Ok Guys new update.


The Azoo mini reef tanks have left overseas. They are coming into Aquatic Eco-Systems in the next few weeks. It seems that they are bringing in both styles...ones with two bulbs and ones with one bulb. Once I hear more I will let you guys know. (thanx Ike)

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Dong, sorry did not see your reply. If you can wait, I would wait on the azoo, it is much better quality than the AGA 5, and it is not made of plastic. I am not sure if you ordered it from Aquatic yet, but if you call they should be able to give you a more firm date. It seems the mfg was a little delayed because of the war. It seems everything is back on track.


BTW, they are very cool and well made, so if you can wait, it would definitely be worth it.

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Actually, I ordered one from DrsF&S and its already on its way to my house. Granted, it's the one with one light bulb, but I have retrofit kits from AHSupply handy. Thanks for all your help tho.

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All righty, the tank is here... whee!


Initial inspection does yield the observation that THIS TANK IS CUTE! It is well constructed as far as I see, solid-feeling, and smooth. I purchased the "pewter" one which is just a few shades shy of black.




There is NO WAY in hell that this tank holds anywhere NEAR 7 gallons of water. After filling the tank up to the "high water" mark, there was 5 gallons and 1 1/2 quarts of water in the tank. And there is less than 4 1/4 gallons of water exposed to the 13 watts of light over the tank. That makes it 3 watts per gallon.


Also, I could not for the life of me figure out how to remove the lid. It is hinged, and the hinges are well-fitted. I can see HOW to take the lid off, but the hinges are so tight that I can't budge it.


Which brings me to the biggest problem I have with this tank... I can't add a heater and I can't change the powerhead! I supposed it's feasable to have an unheated tank, but the powerhead sounds like a grinding motor. There are basically two small holes in the back of the lid for electrical wires... otherwise, aside from the feeding lid, it is completely sealed.


As I understand the Azoo design is basically taken off of the Alife, do Alife owners have these problems?

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Can't you put the heater in the sump at the back of the aquarium? How did you measure the water volume?

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The sump is part of the aquarium (not sealed either, so I suspect sand will get into the powerhead sooner or later) and to access the water you'd have to get through the lid. It's pretty much a plastic plate that you have to slide into grooves in the tank. It's also next to impossible to access the powerhead for maintenance after everything is set up because everything's a tight fit.


As for measuring the water, I filled it with one gallon pitchers that also had markings for quarts. It took 5 full pitchers + 1 1/2 quarts.


My new plan? Take out the powerhead and make the Azoo into a freshwater planted. The light is very decent, after all. As for a reef... I guess I'll have to move my convict cichlid out of his ten gallon into something else. Maybe that's even better in the end. The reef won't be in my bedroom, but it'll have more volume.

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