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hmMmM wat to add wat to add


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hello all....i have a 20L and was wondering which fish i should add....between a flame hawk fish or some sort of goby.....in the tank i have a maroon clown and a blue devil damsel....they get along pretty well....i have alot of rock and was wondering out of the 2 i listed which one would be better suited/ or if anybody has any opinions on them.....thanks

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I would concider "some sort of goby" as in a SMALL one over any over a flame hawk in that size tank. Clown or Citron Gobys are very cool and stay small. Good choice.

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When you're looking for a tank mate, take into account that both the maroon clown and the damsel are VERY pugnatious fishies - meaning they are down right mean. They will pick on other fish that are mild and shy (as most gobies are) - causing that fish to not get enough food and die if it doesnt die from the physical abuse first. So make sure to choose a fish that can hold its own....possibly a blenny? psuedochromis? dunno......

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