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Coral Vue Hydros

I know what my pepps eat!


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Yup, this morning I found a big ol' carapace right smack in the middle of my brown button polyps. Short of catching actually grazing, this has gotta be good proof of polyp eating :> I have noticed that, since adding my (presumably Clarkii) clowns, they had become mostly nocturnal making it a pain in the arse to feed them ... but they were still growing.


At least the buttons are doing well ... and the shrimp are avoiding the far freakier polyps (2cm tall, pinky-brown bodies, with green tentacles over 1cm long, eat chunks of shrimp, flake, frozen shrimp). And well, I like shrimp, and if a couple of polyps need to be sacrificed, I can deal.

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Might not be proof. My pepps always went for a high spot in the tank for molting. I was lucky enough to catch them molting a few times. And they weren't bothering what they were standing on, they just seemed to want that particular perch.

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Well ... post-Clarkii but pre-polyps, they had always molted in the bank of the tank, between the LR and the glass. Now they're doing it right out in front. Brazen little bastards. At least they're both carrying eggs; I understand that peppermint fry are like candy for fish ;)

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For a shrimp that commonly eats hydroids and anemones....it isn't too big a stretch to think they might venture a try at other corals.


I had a L. wurdemani that killed 2 Euphyllia ancora heads. He would pick at them all the time and sent little hammer head swirling around the tank to sting things.....what a disaster that was...since he died (I tried everything to catch the little bugger), my zoos have been reproducing much faster than before. Probably because new growth isn't cropped now.

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