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Hi Fin Red Banded Goby


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Anybody have experience with Hi Fin Red Banded Gobies? The care sheets I can find on them state that they need to be fed daily. This can't do in a nano! Any help would be great.

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Most fish should have something to eat daily, and if you haven't a refugium to contiually supply a variety of arthropods, the food has to come from somewhere.


I feed my fish daily, twice. Flakes in the morning and frozen meaty food in the evening. Then I feed the frozen to the corals and other night-time feeders about 4 times a week, and I feed shrimp pellets to some of my corals too. Actually, I also dose phytoplankton and microvert once or twice a week too.


I have no problems with algae, diatoms, cyano, not even fast algal growth on the glass.


Feeding more is just like adding more fish, you can do it, just increase things slowly so your system has a chance to account for the extra nutrients, and your bacterial conlonies have a chance to grow to keep up with ammonia and nitrite production. Having a lot a detritivores and a skimmer don't hurt either. I also got rid of my blue legged hermits and emerald crabs so that I could grow some macro algas in the tank for nutrient export, which helps keep nitrates down.


I change about 1G/week in my 10G, sometimes skipping a week and my nigtrates stay in the mid-to low teens.

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