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Cultivated Reef

8 oz Pico


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This is the coolest little tank ive ever seen I think i may build one for my wifes classroom since she is a teacher and got stuck in a portable this year so doesnt have alotta room

I may make it a bit bigger

you think i could keep a yellow clown goby or maybe a rainsford goby in this 8oz tank or should i step it up to a whole gallon?

maybe even just a pair of sexy shrimp of a boxer crab whadda yah think?

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Wow, if you can get it working this will be a sweet little tank. I think a new term may have to be coined; the "femto reef." lol

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It's a cool little slice of ocean, and I hope it thrives...I'd love to see 'get-along' pics.


And, speaking of getting along...those of you who state this was a 'waste of time' thread...the solution is simple: Don't subscribe, don't read it. But this is the pico section, and a couple of the people that have scoffed aren't exactly the greatest at doing this stuff either. (I know...I've read your own threads and posts...they've been found 'wanting'...a couple miserably so. Don't bother to comment unless you can back your a$$es up.)


Halfpint...wish ya the best, pal!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, this got a lot of attention since I last checked the thread. I'm still waiting to do this until I have the time to do it the right way this time. I'm considering the mini-fridge chiller, however that will increase the tank volume quite a bit. I guess that wouldn't be such a bad thing. The top off is a real issue, since the slightest evap can cause a substantial change in SG very quickly.


Anyone have any suggestions on ways to improve the tank, let me know.

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this is interesting, probobly not for me yet. Does it take a lot of attention. How much more work is it than a 10 gal tank?


like to see the 9w pendant.



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As far as the maintenance goes, it's unrealistic. At the time, when it was set up, I was having to top off the tank every couple hours. I didn't even have a bright enough light on it to increase evap yet. Once a light is on it, evap will be really bad.


To be short and sweet, it's really difficult. It was not a complete success, and it's still a new experiment for me.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm making baby steps towards setting it back up. I finally got around to hooking the light up. Now I just need to find the pump. I'm thinking about making a peristaltic pump for it, in order to eliminate heat transfer by the pump.











It's fairly bright. See, this is it next to my 72w PC NanoCube 12g.






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Just tie that sucker into your nanocube and get it started already lol. looks cool, I can totally imagine how much of a pain it would be to maintain.

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You should totally put like half of a tang in there! Or just roll it up and stuff it in there lol


That's a pretty awesome lil pico! You should make a lil top off deely-o that adds a drop of water every 30 minutes to an hour to keep it stable. Maybe like an I.V. drip or something like that.

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WOW! You really let your nano-cube go.....oh, and the pico looks cool too ;)
:blush: Yeah, I know. I'm working this week to clean it all the way up and getting it running smooth again, to restock it.



Just tie that sucker into your nanocube and get it started already lol. looks cool, I can totally imagine how much of a pain it would be to maintain.
Now, that would defeat the purpose of trying to make a tank with only an 8oz capacity stable. :P


I'm hoping to come up with a way to actually make it low maintenance. I still haven't solved the problem of ATO.



:lol: And I thought my Pico was small, good louck ;)
:unsure: Yeah, it's really small. We shall see how it goes, once it's complete.



Wow, this is one crazy little tank. Can't wait until I see what your going to do to it. Good luck.

Thanks. :)

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For an ATO, what about what I said like an IV drip or maybe some sorta dosing machine filled with water?


What are you going to put in there as far as live stock? A single zoa or sumthin? lol

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People who don't like this just need to stay out of it and not open there mouths. Acting like you don't know what you're doing... Great job on this so far! VERY well thought out and obviously you are not planning on doing anything to put livestock at risk. Can't wait to see it up and running - and I am sure this will be a nice little project.

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For an ATO, what about what I said like an IV drip or maybe some sorta dosing machine filled with water?


What are you going to put in there as far as live stock? A single zoa or sumthin? lol

That's an idea. The only thing is that evap is going to be slower at night, when the lights are off.


I'm going to put some small LR rubble in, along with either some GSP or a Kenya frag.



People who don't like this just need to stay out of it and not open there mouths. Acting like you don't know what you're doing... Great job on this so far! VERY well thought out and obviously you are not planning on doing anything to put livestock at risk. Can't wait to see it up and running - and I am sure this will be a nice little project.

Thanks. :)

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  • 8 months later...


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