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Cultivated Reef



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I've heard that there are starting to be many tank-raised marine fish, corals, and such. Who does all this work, and can we order from them directly, or do we have to go through a LFS? If we order from them directly, do we have to have a minimum order? How do we get in touch with them?

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there are many ols that predominantly deal in captive-bred animals and propagated corals. some even advertise here. most ols have options, i.e. tank-bred clowns versus nemos.


availability of tank spawns and prop batches vary the supply line though, so while an ols may not carry something one particular week it may have that same animal 'on sale' the next month. wild catches can also vary depending upon colonies harvested for less common animals, from what i've noticed.


be prepared to pay a higher premium but i think the protection of resources and especially the hardiness of captive-breds & coral propagates make it easier for new reefers. cb's are already used to the tank environment and have less chance of mystery diseases. propagates (coral/inverts) are also already used to tank conditions (artificial light) so may tend to be hardier (ime, not an all-encompassing endorsement tho).

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Originally posted by DongShenYin

I've heard that there are starting to be many tank-raised marine fish, corals, and such.  Who does all this work ?  


I would assume the poor fish and corals do most of the work, what with all that breeding and growing to supply the many buyers out there.


Couldn't resist.


Oh and Tiny hit it on the nose.

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I hate to admit this, but my clown is WC... I was lucky and it is very healthy.


For some reason the vendors where I live have some bad suppliers or something. The clowns have been inbred to the point of deformity and they are not as hardy as the WC!


Usually this is so the other way around. Captive/Aquacultured stuff is usually many times tougher than anything WC. It is just a shame that people are inbreeding fish so much that they have problems.


90% of the stuff in my tank is captive raised. Some things I am not for sure about. The clown is the only thing that I know is wild. Captive is really the best way to go. You will have very few losses if any if you buy captive and have the proper setup. WC is a gamble...


Join a local reef club if you can. Trading frags is great. It is cheap and you know that everything you have is a clone and not taking away from the wild. They are usually pretty hardy too.


There are many places that sell aquacultured items as well. Just keep an eye out. If you are looking for a specific item, just list it and we can probably point you to a good source. There is not usually a minimum order. You purchase aquacultured items just as you would anything else online. Shipping is usually cheaper if you buy more though. It kind of sux paying $20 for a single coral then have to fork over another $35 to ship it. It is much better to buy more or pool your orders when buying online.

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A lot of captive raised clowns I have seen seem to lack the black coloration of wild clowns. Maybe it is because the captive clowns are not getting the proper nutrition they would get if in the wild or inbreeding has caused the lack of strong coloration.


My LFS got some captive raised clown babies a month ago and the coloration was great. Too bad I didn't pick them up when I had a chance, oh well my tank is still new so it was better off that i didn't get them. I guess i'm going to wait for a new shipment of baby clowns but the LFS doesn't even know when that is. They said the shipment is determined on how sucessful the breeder is, which makes sense.

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There are some drawbacks to CB species at times. Many can devlop swim bladder issues and also a weird bone structure and can be prone to ultzerations.

TRUE Perks have the black banding. Occies don't and they are being mass spawned easier than True Peks.....

hence why the Occies are more common(AND don't have as highly defined black bands AND one less Dorsal spine).

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