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Planning my first nano


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Hi all.  First off, I just want to say that the information passing through this board has been invaluable.  I'm a 25 year old male from the Armpit State of NJ.  I've been involved in aquaria (freshwater) since I was about 8 and have longed dreamed of a reef tank.  For the past 6 months or so, I've been in the research-intensive stage, reading through tons of material and lurking around conventional reef boards (where you'll usually get a snooty comment for the mere mention of keeping a nano).  That's why it's great to find a community like this of knowledgable people who've been successful in the keeping of nano-reefs.  


Anyways, lemme get down to the gist.  I think I'm about ready to take the first step.  I have a spare standard ten gallon tank that has been earmarked for my nano.  I am ready to buy my first bucket o' salt (very exciting) and set the thing up.  Bascally, I'm just looking for a "you're on the right track, kid" from someone who has done this before.  I plan to use ~15lbs of live rock, and a 1" bed of live sand.  I have a AquaClear 200 I had planned to use, mainly for circulation, and a small Hagan Aqua Pump that would sit in the tank.  Will these suffice?  I have also decided to use a skimmer (safety net) and was looking at the Coralife Super Skimmer 1 (which is rated for up to 30 gallons).  This unit is only around $20, so presumably it is on the lower-end of the quality spectrum, but has anyone had experience with them?  Is it effective?  


My plan is to get the rock/sand in the tank and just let it go.  I am in absolutely no rush to stock this thing, and plan to do that very slowly.  Now here's the rub... currently, I have no lighting beyond that of a simple 15w florescent strip.  My plan is to get the tank going (LR, LS, cycling, cleanup crew), and upgrade the lights later this year before I add any soft corals.  I was considering getting a feather duster before the light upgrade, as I've read they don't mind the low lights (and I think they look cool as hell).  But that would be about it until the lights were upgraded.  


So how am I doing?  Is it OK to start the process here before I upgrade the lights?  Will I loose any coraline algae that may be on the LR without them?  Any and all comments/suggestions would be highly appreciated.  Thanks!

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As long as you take things slowly and carefully, I think you should be fine.  


My advice would be to see if you can buy pre-mixed water from your LFS.  10 gallons might mean you have to make a few trips, but it might be worth it.  When I started my tank, I used good liverock, livesand, and water straight from the LFS.  So my tank didn't have a long cycle time at all.


When I set up my tank (only 3 gallons), I had to leave town for a week the day after.  I just threw everything together, and left.  I left the lights off during that period.  When I got back all my hermits and snails and everything were fine - I still have them all.  I used the crappy flourescent light that came with my tank for a long time before I got anything.


So as long as you aren't adding corals, I think the lights should be fine.  Coralline algae might die off a bit, but theres a lot in my tank thats in very low light areas.  It should bounce back once you get good lights.


Good luck!

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Word such as yours would make any reef keeper happy.

Congradulations! you have been infected with the little "reef bug" As to my knowledge there is no cure.

Be prepared for sleepless nights and an empty wallet=)


Your set-up plan sounds good and well thought out.

the choice of Skimmer that you have stated is not as effective as you really need.  You're better off spending a little extra $ and get a Maxi-jet style skimmer that is set for a tank of at least 50 gallons.  Buying a smaller skimmer is a waste of $ in my opinion.  "you are on the right track, just always remember to go slow and enjoy yourself. a 24" Double strip along with the 15watter that you've already got would keep softies and mushrooms very nicely and it wouldn't send you in to the poor house =) "GOOD LUCK my young aprintace"

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Thank you both.  No, my LFS does not sell premixed water.  Ideally, I would use RO water bought at supermarkets as some here have mentioned, but I've yet to find one around me that offers this.  I figured instead, I will buy distilled water - only 2 gallons per week is not so bad.  I suppose I would save in the long run by getting an RO unit of my own, but they are pricey.


Reefguru, I will definitely go with a higher-end skimmer as you suggest.  I figured a $20 unit was too good to be true.  As far as lights, do you mean adding two additional regular output bulbs for a total of 45w?  This is enough?  What bulbs would you suggest if this is the case?  The lighting aspect of this whole thing is the most perplexing part.  Thanks again for the tips.

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or you could buy the 32 watt smartlamps form this site for around 45. it would also help the site out.

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