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Coral Vue Hydros

Skimmer w/ month WC


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So far I've been using a DIY HOB Fuge with sump. In the sump prior to the fuge, I've been using a skimmer now for over 1 month and a half......um maybe more like two months (need to do another WC). I've done one water change and and daily top off's. I've noticed that my corals are looking a little better, and my dead sun coral has a small growth of yellow coming out. My Xenia's are getting out of control and the coraline algae is spreading everywhere! At last!

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there's definitely something to be said for consistent water conditions. while weekly water changes do dilute alot of the nasties, they also tend to throw systems out of equillibrium a lil bit. skimmers can buy you a lil time on the water changes. what kinda skimmer you running? how long has your system been up and running? the "coral happiness index" may be rising as the system matures a lil further. if you check out nilsen and fossa's book, the modern coral reef they define a period-i want to say months longer than just cycling, during which time coralline will take off, microalgaes will dissappear, yadda, yadda, yadda = "coral happiness index" my term. congrats on the success!

but, maybe i'm missing the point and you're attributing the success to the fuge. i guess i'm not a big fuge believer-you might check out calfo's book on coral prop, it's money, and i think he swayed my opinion on refugiums. that said, i'll prolly try one on my next nano:)


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Lunchbucket : I'll try to take a pic of what I see. I don't see any polyp extension. But I will try to induce it into feeding, maybe stir-up the water a bit. I have a seafood mix that I plan on feeding it. But we'll see......


Twins Guy: Well it's been up since May 2002. I'm running a Knop in-sump skimmer, I've opted not to use the venturi and instead use a wooden stone since it's a bit more quiter. It's a funny thing you mentioned about the Macro going away. Now the that coraline is taking off, my fuge isn't as green and growing like it use too. I'm attempting to try another grow bulb to see if I could spark things up. I will have to pick up calfo's book, and check out what he has to say. But I do believe it's the skimmer, and the flexiblilty it gives me with WC's that I attribute my new sucess (if you will). If anything, the HOB gives me more total water volume.


Thank you for your comments........Any others?

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actually i think i said micro-(algae) but i'd blame the slow macro growth-not a bad thing IMO-on the same depletion of nutrients. natural tropical reef waters are typically very nutrient poor. (i'm not referring to minerals or trying to start a debate-just referencing observed nitrogen, and phosphate levels) new tanks invariably experience some form of elevated nasties. now your tank is past that, and thriving. desirable species gain a foothold and conditions favor their survival vs that of "nuissance" flora.

now comes the hard part...being consistent and patient while it really blossoms! (that's the part alot of reefers drop the ball on-always changing something, bigger tank this, reactor that...) GL!


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