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Ocellaris Agression or Mating


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I have 2 Ocellaris clowns which I purchased the same time from the same tank from a large group. I have had them for 2 weeks now and they seem to have gotten along in the past. One is larger than the other (about 1/2") which I presume is the female. The other is smaller and is probably the male. The past 2 days I have noticed some agression from the female to the male. She will chase him across the tank, and try to nip his tail. They do this almost all day when they cross paths. Today I was watching the tank and she had grabed him by the gill, and they were thrashing in the tank for about 5 seconds. For 2 days about the same time I noticed the agression I noticed that each of them will sometimes vibrate their whole body parallel to the others. I this most likely a territorial sign to stay away, or a mating ritual along with the agression? Any input from people with or who have had clowns would be greatly appreciated. I also read in a clown book that Ocellaris will rarely breed in less than a 30 gallon tank, and I have a 10 Gallon. If they do produce eggs will any of their tank mates eat or damage them? FYI: 10 Gallon, 32 W PC, Prizm Skimmer, Power head, 15 LBS Fiji, 6 Astrea, 12 Blue leg hermets, Fire shrimp, Algae Blenny, Fungia, Xenia, Shrooms, Weekly 15% Changes, O Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, 5 Nitrate.


Thanks for you Help!

Todd Yama######a





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