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Hooray for me!


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Well I finally did it. Today I went out and bought my 5.5 tank and starting accumulating the parts necessary to set it up. I ordered a 2x32 PC hood from Champion Lighting and when it gets here I will go get my LR and LS and start my cycle. I'm so excited. So far I have bought the lights, heater, thermometer, and tank. Thats $174 bucks right there. Man this sure is an expensive hobby.

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Congrats!! Let this be a warning though this is only the beginning!! =)


If you want you can go out and get the LR now. I like to leave the new LR in the tank for a while with no lights and let the diotoms exhaust they're resources before plugging in the lights only to give them more. Thats just me though


Good Luck!!

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What are you waiting for? Go spend more! Get your sand and rocks! I think the rocks are the best part of reefkeeping. They are sooo interesting. :) Really it's true!

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I might go get rock tomorrow, they are getting a shipment in tonight so I wanted to wait for my selection to be good. Plus I have a test friday and next tuesday and I can't let myself spend all my time working on the tank.

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a word of advice ... Don't get your rock until after your tests ;). I was glued to my tank for three days after I got my rock.


... I don't think I really understood why they called it live rock, until I got some. Coming from the freshwater end of things it was quite a shock ??? .

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Well it could be a good week or so before I get my lights. If I got the rock tomorrow would it be ok until then or should I wait? Of course, the rock sits in the store under no lights so i guess it won't be any different.

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Go get the rock. I recently let a bunch of rock sit in a bucket with just a powerhead for almost a week, and there was very little coralline die-off. By the time you get your lights, you will probably be almost done cycling the tank.


You can also get hermits and stuff without worrying about light.

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Well I got my rock today. Got 9 pounds of Fiji and it looked pretty good. Also got my sand, didn't get LS since I can only get it in 20 pound bags. But I did get some really fine white sand that looks really nice. I will post pics of the setup when I get my lights in.

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