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what the heck is going on?


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Today I woke up and find that my 6 lined wrasse is dead and my long tentacle anenome is eating him!!! I also look at my xenia elongata and he looks really bad!!! Shriveled looking and not moving too much. What the heck is going on? I did a water test and all are normal. The only thing I did different is the following:

Added a new powerhead that rotates and I clipped a section of my xenia to propagate it. I added an octobubble coral as well. Now I know that propagating xenia could be a reason why he looks so bad today but I hope not. Does xenia look bad the following day when you cut a section? How about my wrasse? Why did he die? Did the anenome get him or did he die before and the anenome ate his remains? Could the new power head be a cause? Leaking bad something into the water? Or how about the octobubble? Could he be somehow stinging my xenia which is about 3-4 inches away in the tank? Does octobubble coral give off toxins? Please help with any thoughts. Vanessa:(

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